

  • 26-April-2023


    Aid at a glance charts

    These ready-made tables and charts provide for snapshot of aid (Official Development Assistance) for all DAC Members as well as recipient countries and territories. Summary reports by regions (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania) and the world are also available.

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  • 31-March-2021


    OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Belgium 2021

    Belgium has made progress in decoupling several environmental pressures from economic growth, in improving wastewater treatment and in expanding protected areas. Regions have achieved high levels of recovery and recycling, and have pioneered circular economy policies. However, further efforts are needed to progress towards carbon neutrality, reduce air and water pollution, reverse biodiversity loss and consolidate results of circular economy initiatives. Strengthening co‑ordination between the federal government and the regions, and among the regions, as well as enhancing policy coherence will be key factors of progress. As the COVID-19 emergency passes, recovery efforts should focus on putting the country back on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. Investing in low-carbon and natural infrastructure, promoting circular economy, strengthening carbon prices and phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies should be priorities. This is the third Environmental Performance Review of Belgium. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with special features on biodiversity and waste, materials management and the circular economy.
  • 24-November-2020


    OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Belgium 2020

    The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts reviews of the individual development co-operation efforts of DAC members once every five to six years. DAC peer reviews critically examine the overall performance of a given member, not just that of its development co-operation agency, covering its policy, programmes and systems. They take an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation activities of the member under review and its approach to fragility, crisis and humanitarian assistance. Belgium is a powerful voice for the cause of the least developed countries and fragile contexts, and a strong humanitarian partner. Committed to the principles of partnership, it empowers multilateral, civil society and private sector organisations to achieve their mandates. As Belgium emerges from a period of institutional reforms, this peer review provides recommendations to strengthen the management of its development co-operation policy. It also advises on how to take advantage of recent changes to reinforce the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, and improve the management of human resources.
  • 8-September-2015


    OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Belgium 2015

    The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts periodic reviews of the individual development co-operation efforts of DAC members. The policies and programmes of each member are critically examined approximately once every five years. DAC peer reviews assess the performance of a given member, not just that of its development co-operation agency, and examine both policy and implementation. They take an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities of the member under review. Since the 2010 peer review, Belgium has reinforced the leadership and management of its institutional system for development co-operation, making it more strategic and taking steps towards delivering more co-ordinated and high quality development co-operation.
  • 13-May-2011


    OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews: Belgium 2010

    This publication presents the Development Assistance Committee peer review of the aid programmes and policies of Belgium for 2010. The policies and programmes of each DAC member are critically examined approximately once every four or five years. Five members are examined annually. The OECD’s Development Co-operation Directorate provides analytical support and is responsible for developing and maintaining the conceptual framework within which the Peer Reviews are undertaken.  The Peer Review is prepared by a team, consisting of representatives of the Secretariat working with officials from two DAC members who are designated as 'examiners'. The country under review provides a memorandum setting out the main developments in its policies and programmes. Then the Secretariat and the examiners visit the capital to interview officials, parliamentarians, as well as civil society and NGO representatives of the donor country to obtain a first-hand insight into current issues surrounding the development co-operation efforts of the member concerned. Field visits assess how members are implementing the major DAC policies, principles and concerns, and review operations in recipient countries, particularly with regard to poverty reduction, sustainability, gender equality and other aspects of participatory development, and local aid co-ordination. The Secretariat then prepares a draft report on the member’s development co-operation which is the basis for the DAC review meeting at the OECD. At this meeting senior officials from the member under review respond to questions formulated by the Secretariat in association with the examiners. This review contains the Main Findings and Recommendations of the Development Assistance Committee and the report of the Secretariat.