
Publications & Documents

  • 15-May-2024


    Helping Small Island Developing States graduate to success

    By 2030, between five and twelve Small Island Developing States (SIDS) could lose eligibility to – i.e. graduate from – official development assistance (ODA) as they reach high-income status. Unless other sources of finance effectively fill the gap left by their high dependence on ODA, those SIDS may suffer socio-economic setbacks and be worse-off after graduation. This may have broad negative consequences, given their geostrategic importance and role in the preservation of oceans and biodiversity. To help SIDS 'graduate to success', donors should use multidimensional vulnerability indices (MVIs) to better tailor their support, and engage with them through new graduation strategies.
  • 3-May-2024


    Development Co-operation Principles for Relevant and Effective Support to Media and the Information Environment

    These Development Co-operation Principles for Relevant and Effective Support to Media and the Information Environment are a product of the Development Assistance Committee’s Network on Governance. The Principles aim to respond to the need to ensure that the international response to the crisis in the media sector fits better in a rapidly changing information environment. The Principles were informed by an inclusive consultation process and strongly driven by members and partner organisations.
  • 28-April-2024


    Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results-Based Management for Sustainable Development (Second Edition)

    This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors. This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.
  • 18-April-2024


    Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results-Based Management for Sustainable Development (Second Edition)

    This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors. This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.
  • 18-April-2024


    Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results-Based Management for Sustainable Development (Second Edition)

    This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors. This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.
  • 17-April-2024


    Financing sustainable development in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States - A transition finance diagnostic

    This paper gives an overview of all development finance sources available to countries of the Organisation of Eastern-Caribbean States (OECS) for enhancing their economic and climate resilience, and progress towards their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After reviewing political and macroeconomic contexts, it examines some of the specific challenges and opportunities they meet in financing their development, including the mobilisation of private finance and domestic resources; public debt sustainability; and the alignment of official development finance (ODF) with their evolving needs. It stresses the risks of inadequately preparing for the end of eligibility to official development assistance (ODA), when countries reach high-income status while remaining highly vulnerable. Finally, it presents recommendations for the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members to better support and accompany OECS countries as they transition to higher-income status.
  • 23-March-2024


    The role of political will in enabling long-term development approaches to forced displacement

    This paper examines the role of mobilising political will in establishing the conditions necessary for economic and social inclusion of refugees, internally displaced persons, and formerly displaced persons who achieve durable solutions such as voluntary return. It investigates the role and conditions to mobilise political will for more comprehensive and inclusive policies that can lead to long-term local development in contexts of forced displacement in low- and middle-income countries (LICs and MICs). Case studies from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ecuador, Iraq and Lebanon illustrate the ways in which political will, or its absence, can shape the approach to supporting the forcibly displaced and hosting communities. The paper also proposes a conceptual model for mobilising political will to facilitate sustainable development support in contexts of forced displacement.
  • 11-March-2024

    English, PDF, 5,092kb

    Sustainability-Linked Bonds: How to make them work in developing countries, and how donors can help

    This report provides an overview of developments, challenges and opportunities in the sustainability-linked bond market, with a spotlight on public sector issuances in the wake of the first two sovereigns entering this space in 2022. Building from extensive consultations with experts and stakeholders, data provided by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, it highlights how tailored and well-timed donor engagement can facilitate market growth.

    Related Documents
  • 7-March-2024


    Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries 2024

    This publication provides comprehensive data on the volume, origin and types of aid and other resource flows to around 140 developing countries.  The data show each country's receipts of official development assistance as well as other official and private funds from members of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, multilateral agencies and other key providers. Key development indicators are given for reference.    Cette publication fournit des données détaillées sur le volume, la provenance and les types d'aide et d'autres apports de ressources attribués à chacun d'environ 140 pays en voie de développement. Les données statistiques couvrent les apports d'aide publique au développement et les autres financements publics et privés fournis à chaque pays bénéficiaire par chacun des membres du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE, par les organismes multilatéraux ainsi que par d'autres fournisseurs.  Des indicateurs socio-économiques de base sont présentés pour information.
  • 22-December-2023


    Co-ordination across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

    This paper provides a detailed analysis of co-ordination amongst organisations engaging in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Co-ordination is the first pillar of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Recommendation on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus adopted by the DAC in 2019. Effective co-ordination is critical to the success of HDP Nexus approaches. However, despite a limited donor base and implementing entities, challenges persist in co-ordinating actions across humanitarian, development, and peace sectors. Exploring a spectrum of co-ordination approaches, this paper aims to inform policy discussions with a renewed attention on development effectiveness and coherent approaches.
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