
Latest Documents

  • 21-September-2014

    English, PDF, 618kb

    OECD Secretary-General Tax Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (Australia, September 2014)

    This report consists of two parts. Part I is a report by the OECD Secretary-General regarding (A) the OECD/G20 BEPS Project; (B) the single global common standard on Automatic Exchange of iInformation; and (C) Tax and Development. Part II is a Progress Report to the G20 by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes.

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  • 26-August-2014

    English, PDF, 200kb

    Co-ordinating Body Rules of Procedure

    The rules of procedure concerning the signing of the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Assistance in Tax Matters.

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  • 21-July-2014


    Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters

    The Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information, developed by the OECD with G20 countries, represents the international consensus on automatic exchange of financial account information for tax purposes, on a reciprocal basis. Over 60 jurisdictions have committed to implementing the Standard and all financial centres have been called to match those commitments, as of July 2014. This publication is the first edition of the full version of the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information. It contains the text of the Model Competent Authority Agreement and the Common Reporting Standard, and the Commentaries thereon, as they read on 15 July 2014. It also includes multilateral and nonreciprocal versions of the Model Competent Authority Agreement, the technical modalities and a wider approach to the Common Reporting Standard.
  • 22-August-2013


    Gibraltar's Tax Agreements

    All tax agreements providing for the exchange of information signed by Gibraltar (DTC and TIEA agreements) are available on this link. Information on a jurisdiction's exchange of information agreements contained on the web site reflects the most up to date information available to the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes.

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  • 20-July-2013

    English, PDF, 1,278kb

    OECD Secretary-General Report to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

    The OECD’s update on progress towards automatic exchange of information and its Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) were presented to G20 finance ministers meeting in Moscow on 19-20 July 2013.

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  • 18-June-2013

    English, PDF, 8,350kb

    A Step Change in Tax Transparency

    The report "A Step Change in Tax Transparency", prepared at the request of the G8 for the Lough Erne Summit, outlines four concrete steps needed to put in place a global, secure and cost effective model of automatic exchange of information.

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  • 9-May-2012


    OECD's work on Aggressive Tax Planning

    The OECD's work on Aggressive Tax Planning focuses on helping tax authorities to respond more quickly to tax risks, to identify trends and patterns already identified and experienced by some tax administrations, and to share experiences in dealing with them

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  • 5-April-2012


    Peer Review Report of Cyprus - Phase 1: Legal and Regulatory Framework

    This report summarises the legal and regulatory framework for transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes in Cyprus.

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  • 5-April-2012


    Peer Review Report of Guatemala - Phase 1: Legal and Regulatory Framework

    This report summarises the legal and regulatory framework for transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes in Guatemala.

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