
Latest Documents

  • 24-October-2006

    English, PDF, 666kb

    Strengthening Tax Audit Capabilities: General Principles and Approaches

    This information note, prepared by the Forum’s Compliance Subgroup, focuses on audit programmes and the conduct of individual audits. It identifies common key features of effective audit activity found in a wide variety of tax administrations and outlines the principles underpinning these characteristics.

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  • 24-October-2006

    English, PDF, 794kb

    Strengthening Tax Audit Capabilities: Innovative Approaches to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Indirect Income Measurement Methods

    The purpose of this information note is to share information concerning the strategies employed by a number of selected revenue bodies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of indirect measurement methods used to validate and to establish taxpayers’ tax liabilities in the course of tax audit activities.

    Related Documents
  • 14-March-2006

    English, PDF, 529kb

    Using Third Party Information Reports to Assist Taxpayers Meet their Return Filing Obligations: Country Experiences With the Use of Pre-populated Personal Tax Returns

    This information note briefly describes the use of pre-populated returns that has become a feature of the personal income tax systems in countries in the Nordic region and elsewhere, particularly over the last decade or so.

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  • 14-March-2006

    English, , 1,819kb

    Information Note - Application Software Solutions Being Used to Support the Technical Architecture of Selected Revenue Bodies

    This note summarises information provided by revenue bodies in seven OECD member countries regarding application software solutions, planned or implemented, to support revenue administration.

    Related Documents
  • 14-March-2006

    English, PDF, 520kb

    Strategies for Improving the Take-up Rates of Electronic Services

    The purpose of this information note is to share information concerning the strategies employed by a number of national revenue bodies to increase the take-up rates of electronic services, in particular the electronic filing of tax returns.

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  • 23-May-2005

    English, , 281kb

    Guidance Note: Guidance for the Standard Audit File - Tax (SAF-T)

    This guidance note focuses on the creation of a computer file that allows the easy export of a predefined set of accounting records in a commonly-readable format.

  • 23-May-2005

    English, PDF, 421kb

    Guidance on Tax Compliance for Business and Accounting Software

    This guidance note describes the processes needed in business and accounting software to attain a sufficient level of reliability for electronic records kept in support of tax returns during the retention period prescribed by tax legislation in individual countries.

    Related Documents
  • 19-April-2005

    English, , 461kb

    Guidance Note - Achieving Success with Electronic Services

    The growth of e-services is presenting many opportunities and challenges to revenue authorities. The initial response by many revenue authorities has centred on the provision of e-filing solutions for the various tax types administered. However, increasingly, both customers and Governments expect more comprehensive e-services that match the best of the commercial sector. Providing e-services that are joined-up, customer-centric and

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  • 29-October-2004

    English, PDF, 675kb

    Tax Administration in OECD Countries: Comparative Information Series (2004)

    Internationally comparative data on aspects of tax systems and their administration in OECD member countries.

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  • 18-October-2004

    English, PDF, 622kb

    Compliance Risk Management: Use of Random Audit Programmes

    This information note examines how random audits are used in the context of an overall programme of compliance improvement for small and mid-size business taxpayers. It was prepared by a study team comprised of officials from revenue authorities in Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom and United States.

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