
United Republic of Tanzania

  • 21-February-2012

    English, , 3,748kb

    Country Programme between Finland and Tanzania

    National capacity constraints and weakening dialogue with government encouraged donors, including Finland, to revert to the increased use of projects after 2007. Some of these lacked grounding in policy, were not plausibly linked to poverty, and were founded on inadequate dialogue and analysis.

  • 18-October-2011

    English, , 1,744kb

  • 17-October-2011

    English, , 1,986kb

    Contextual Choices in Fighting Corruption: Lessons Learned

    Why, despite unprecedented investment in anti-corruption in the last fifteen years and since the implementation of global monitoring instruments and global legislation, have so few countries managed to register progress? These were some of the questions that this report sought to answer.

    Related Documents
  • 14-June-2011

    English, PDF, 774kb

    Tanzania NGO Financing

    The three NGOs showed great capability in adapting their strategy to fit the changing context, maintaining steady final objectives, even when local equilibriums became fragile. The projects are sound with Tanzania’s policies in the respective sectors: agro-pastoral, territorial protection and planning and health services.

  • 14-March-2011

    English, , 1,898kb

    Results of development cooperation through Norwegian NGOs in East Africa - Volume 1

    The study aims at assessing the achievements of Norwegian organisations and their partners in 15 randomly selected long-term development projects operating in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda from 2005-2009.

    Related Documents
  • 8-March-2011

    English, , 1,017kb

    Country Assistance Evaluation of Tanzania, 1999-2009

    The report shows that decentralisation has increased the efficiency of the policy-based operations implementation, but decision-making authority is still limited at country level.

  • 13-January-2011

    English, , 3,286kb

    Joint Irish Aid and DFID country programme evaluation of Tanzania, 2004-2010

    There are similarities between the two programmes with both channelling about 80% of their country programme through government systems, notably through their commitment to budget support, and both having a strategic focus on poverty reduction.

  • 5-November-2010

    English, , 1,988kb

    Evaluation of Programmatic Approaches to Support for the Environment in Africa 1996-2009

    The main purpose of this Evaluation is to analyse achievements and challenge from the use of programmatic approaches in the field of environment in Denmark's partner countries in Africa during the period 1996-2009.

  • 3-November-2010

    English, , 1,988kb

    Evaluation of Programmatic Approaches to Support for the Environment in Africa 1996-2009

    The main purpose of this Evaluation is to analyse achievements and challenges from the use of programmatic approaches in the field of environment in Denmark's partner countries in Africa during the period 1996-2009.

  • 6-October-2010

    English, , 1,543kb

    Evaluation of the Protracted Refugee Situation (PRS) for Burundians in Tanzania

    In 2008, the High Commissioner for Refugees launched a Special Iniative on Protracted Refugee Situations (PRS) to promote durable solutions and improvements in the life of these refugees.

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