

  • 11-December-2009

    English, , 1,493kb

    Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Peru

    This evaluation covers the period of two country cooperation frameworks from 2001 to 2005 and from 2006 to 2009.

  • 29-October-2009

    English, , 2,018kb

    SDC's Contribution towards Biodiversity: Impact in the Andean Region

    The main purpose of this evaluation was to investigate the added value of the integration of biodiversity issues in SDC cooperation strategies in the Andean Region.

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  • 22-November-2008


    OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Peru 2008

    In July 2008, Peru became the 41st country to adhere to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. This review, undertaken as a part of Peru's adherence process, show the country's achievements in establishing an open and transparent regime with a limited number of restrictions, enabling Peru to rank among the most open economies.  Recent government initiatives seek to further reduce administrative barriers to investment, streamline and simplify investment incentives, and promote responsible business conduct practices.
  • 6-February-2008

    English, , 826kb

    Swedish Democracy Promotion through NGOs in Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Peru

    This evaluation of Diakonia’s Latin America programme was initiated by the Department for Evaluation, UTV, in cooperation with the Regional Department for Latin America, RELA. Diakonia is one of the largest of the Swedish frame organisations.

  • 13-April-2007


    Modal Estimates of Services Barriers

    OECD Trade Policy Working Paper No. 51. This paper presents improved approaches to measurement of services barriers by using alternative weighting methods and improved econometric specifications.

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  • 17-August-2004


    Peru - PISA

    Summary of Peru's participation in PISA

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  • 6-March-2004

    English, , 799kb

  • 15-October-2003

    Spanish, , 267kb

    Evaluation of the Spanish Cooperation Cultural Heritage Programme

    La presente evaluación tiene como objetivo conocer exhaustivamente las tresactuaciones designadas como “muestra” del PPCCE, es decir: el Proyecto de Iluminación del Centro Colonial de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana; la Restauración de la Iglesia de Abu Sirga, en El Cairo, Egipto y el Programa de Preservación del Patrimonio Cultural del Valle del Colca, Arequipa, Perú; y facilitarun informe conjunto que, basado en sus respectivas

  • 11-February-2003

    Spanish, , 217kb

    Evaluation of the Spanish-Peruvian Cooperation Programme, 1999-2000

    Este informe pretende ofrecer una respuesta adecuada a los requerimientos incluidos en los Términos de Referencia, cubriendo satisfactoriamente las necesidades de información de los diversos organismos interesados en la evaluación del programa.

  • 11-November-1999

    Spanish, , 1kb

    Mid-term evaluation of International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC-OIT)

    De acuerdo con los Términos de Referencia (TdeR) se puede determinar como objetivo de la evaluación ,al ser intermedia ,el analizar los avances que se han producido en el desarrollo del Programa IPEC-LA durante el periodo de referencia 1996 -1999 (primer semestre) con el fin de desarrollar recomendaciones y orientaciones sobre la experiencia de lucha contra el TI en América Latina que sirvan de guía para las futuras acciones

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