

  • 20-March-2020


    Government at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020

    This third edition of Government at a Glance Latin America and the Caribbean provides the latest available evidence on public administrations and their performance in the LAC region and compares it to OECD countries. This publication includes indicators on public finances and economics, public employment, centres of government, regulatory governance, open government data, public sector integrity, public procurement and for the first time core government results (e.g. trust, inequality reduction). Governance indicators are especially useful for monitoring and benchmarking governments' progress in their public sector reforms. Each indicator in the publication is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of graphs and/or charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings of the data, and a methodological section on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability.
  • 1-October-2019


    Multi-dimensional Review of Paraguay - Volume 3. From Analysis to Action

    Paraguay has set itself ambitious development goals for 2030. To achieve them, it will have to tackle two major challenges: buttressing sources of sustainable economic prosperity and putting the country on a more inclusive development path. Progressing towards a more inclusive society will require a broad and vigorous reform agenda. First, the country’s healthcare system requires systemic reform to widen its coverage, reduce Paraguayans’ vulnerability in the face of health risks and increase the efficiency of health service provision. Second, the social protection system needs to overcome its fragmentation and become more effective in delivering the right services and risk management tools to citizens according to their needs. In particular, the pension system requires reforms to increase its coverage and become more equitable and more sustainable. Third, the quality and the inclusiveness of its education and training system need to be strengthened to generate the skills the economy needs, and provide opportunities to all. Based on the analysis and recommendations undertaken in Volumes 1 and 2 of this Multi-dimensional country review, this report identifies key areas for action and presents targeted action plans to kick-start reform. The report also provides a dashboard of monitoring indicators to support the reform agenda in the country.
  • 5-November-2018


    Multi-dimensional Review of Paraguay - Volume 2. In-depth Analysis and Recommendations

    Having achieved robust economic growth and remarkable macroeconomic stability over the past 15 years, Paraguay has set a course to become not only more prosperous, but also more inclusive by 2030. To deliver on its development ambition, the country will have to overcome a number of crosscutting constraints that limit progress towards widely shared improvements in citizen well-being, as identified in Volume 1 of the review. Putting Paraguay on a more inclusive development path requires co-ordinated actions to increase the capacity of the state to redistribute, to improve the delivery of public services, and to break the persistence of poverty and inequality across generations. This report discusses policy actions and priorities in three critical areas to make Paraguay’s development more inclusive. It presents in-depth analysis and recommendations to improve the effectiveness of social protection, the delivery of health services, and the formation of skills for all Paraguayans.
  • 3-July-2018


    Multi-dimensional Review of Paraguay - Volume I. Initial Assessment

    Paraguay has achieved strong and resilient growth and made progress across a range of development outcomes since it emerged from a prolonged period of economic and political instability in the early 2000s. In 2014, the country adopted its first National Development Plan, setting course towards an ambitious vision of the country’s future. To maintain the pace of economic growth and achieve more inclusive development Paraguay will need to overcome a number of institutional, economic and social constraints that challenge its development model. This first volume of the Multi-dimensional Review of Paraguay analyses the country’s development performance and presents the main constraints to the country’s development. It examines five broad areas, corresponding to the key areas of the Sustainable Development Goals: prosperity, people’s well-being, planet, peace and institutions, and partnerships and financing.
  • 3-July-2018


    OECD Public Governance Reviews: Paraguay - Pursuing National Development through Integrated Public Governance

    Paraguay has identified public governance reform as an important tool for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth. This review examines areas of public governance such as co-ordination across administrative silos, strengthening links between budgeting and planning, and enhancing the decentralisation process to improve development outcomes in all regions of the country. It also assesses the management of the civil service, as well as the implementation of open government strategies and initiatives to involve citizens and businesses in the policy cycle. This review provides concrete recommendations to support public governance reform in Paraguay.
  • 16-December-2009

    Spanish, , 3,074kb

    Evaluation of the Bilateral Cooperation Programme of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration

    Éste es el informe final de la evaluación del Programa de Cooperación Bilateral del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración (MTIN), correspondiente al periodo 2003-2008, que se ha desarrollado durante los meses de julio a diciembre del año 2008.

  • 8-July-2009

    Spanish, , 428kb

    Evaluación del Programa de País: Paraguay 2003-2008

    La previsión del programa fue baja: sólo 35% de las operaciones programadas fueron aprobadas, experimentando subsecuentes demoras en su ratificación y ejecución.

  • 7-July-2009

    English, , 833kb

    Country Programme Evaluation: Paraguay 2003-2008

    The evaluation findings are set out in this report to the Board and are provided as input for Management’s charting of the Bank’s future strategy with the Republic of Paraguay.

  • 1-April-2005

    English, , 34kb

    Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in El Chaco - Sudamericano

    Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in El Chaco - Sudamericano

  • 1-January-2003

    English, , 42kb

    Evaluation summary: Combined financial and technical co-operation project for a National Resource Protection Strategy in Paraguay (ENAPRENA)

    The degradation of Paraguay's natural resources is proceeding almost unchecked. High levels of forest clearance and unadapted forms of land use are reducing the ecological, social and economic value of these resources. Meanwhile some 80% of smallholders are already living below the poverty line. There is a lack of a national strategy for resource protection and sustainable use of natural resources. Authoritarian approaches, a tendency

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