

  • 31-August-2022


    EU4Environment Country Profile 2021-2022 – Georgia

    Since 2019, EU4Environment has been supporting Georgia towards green transformation. Find out highlights of concrete results, achievements and success stories in our new released country profile.

    Related Documents
  • 21-June-2022


    A Review of Georgian Emigrants

    In recent years, Georgia has undergone important economic, social and political transformations. Given the significant emigration of the Georgian population and the recognition of the contributions of the diaspora, Georgian authorities are seeking to better understand this pool of talent residing abroad, which has great potential to contribute to the economic and social development of Georgia. This review provides the first comprehensive portrait of Georgian emigrants in OECD countries. By profiling Georgian emigrants, this review aims to strengthen knowledge about this community and thus help to consolidate the relevance of the policies deployed by Georgia towards its emigrants.
  • 30-May-2022


    Anti-Corruption Reforms in Georgia - Pilot 5th Round of Monitoring Under the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan

    This pilot report analyses Georgia’s anti-corruption framework and practices based on the criteria to test the new methodology for the 5th round of monitoring under the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan. The report examines Georgia’s National Anti-Corruption Strategy, reforms of the judiciary and public prosecution system and public trust in the independence and integrity of these institutions. For each area of analysis, the report identifies areas for improvement and provides recommendations.
  • 18-May-2022


    Fostering Business Development and Digitalisation in Georgia

    Fostering SME development and digital transformation helps increase productivity, in turn fostering stronger, more diversified and dynamic economies. The Government of Georgia has made significant policy efforts in recent years to build an environment conducive to private-sector development and entrepreneurship, and to support small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. The OECD has supported this reform impetus, working closely with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development to help identify gaps and develop relevant measures to create a conducive policy environment for Georgian SMEs.
  • 12-January-2022


  • 27-October-2021


    Towards a green economy in the Eastern Partner countries with EU4Environment: Mid-term achievements

    Since EU4Environment launch in 2019, an important progress has been done in modernising environmental policies and legislation, aligning them with the EU framework, promoting resource efficient and cleaner production in enterprises and mobilising financial resources for reducing environmental risks and impacts.

    Related Documents
  • 22-October-2021


    Organisation of public administration: Agency governance, autonomy and accountability

    Good governance of public agencies requires the application of a set of regulatory and managerial tools to find the right balance between autonomy of agencies and adequate oversight from portfolio ministries and other actors. This paper provides insights from EU and OECD good practices, with a detailed analysis of EU acquis requirements for national regulatory agencies. New empirical evidence shows that public administrations in the Western Balkans and European Neighbourhood area lack clear policies and regulations for agency governance and misinterpret the EU acquis. This leads to a proliferation of agencies, duplication of functions and waste of public resources, a lack of accountability to portfolio ministries and generally a governance vacuum. Implementation of government policy is blocked and democratic accountability generally undermined. Finally, recommendations for better organisation of public administration are provided, based on the empirical analysis and lessons learned from SIGMA's engagement in such reforms.
  • 21-September-2021


    EU4Environment Third Regional Assembly

    The meeting took stock of the Programme implementation, assessed the progress, showcased key achievements, and discussed work plans for 2021-2022.

    Related Documents
  • 5-August-2021


    Fossil-Fuel Subsidies in the EU’s Eastern Partner Countries - Estimates and Recent Policy Developments

    Based on the OECD standard methodology, the study presents quantitative estimates of government support to consumers and producers of coal, oil and related petroleum products and natural gas, and electricity and heat generated from these fossil fuels. This report summarises the main findings of the analysis of fossil-fuel subsidy schemes in the six European Union's Eastern Partner (EaP) countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The study updates the 2018 Inventory of Energy Subsidies in the EU’s Eastern Partnership Countries by providing data and estimates for 2016‑19. The analysis focuses on measuring two major types of fossil-fuel subsidies: direct transfers of funds to producers and consumers; and tax expenditure. This report also briefly discusses the taxation and energy pricing policies that have had direct or indirect impact on the evolution of fossil-fuel subsidies in the region. Detailed estimates of all individual support measures for each of the six countries are provided in Annexes to the report.
  • 30-July-2021


    Education in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Findings from PISA

    Countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have clear aspirations to strengthen civic participation and increase prosperity for all. A highly skilled and knowledgeable population is critical to achieving these goals, which makes creating and maintaining high quality and equitable education systems a vital part of regional development efforts. Results from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) show that learning outcomes in the region have generally improved, but that the improvement has not been equitable. While countries in the region are producing some of the top performing students in the world, many other students are being left behind. This report, jointly developed by OECD and UNICEF, analyses PISA data in detail to identify the strengths, challenges and unique features of education systems in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Drawing upon a rich knowledge base of education policy and practice in the region, it makes recommendations about how systems in the region can provide an excellent education for all students. This report will be of interest to regional policy-makers as well as individuals who wish to learn more about education in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
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