

  • 26-April-2023


    Aid at a glance charts

    These ready-made tables and charts provide for snapshot of aid (Official Development Assistance) for all DAC Members as well as recipient countries and territories. Summary reports by regions (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania) and the world are also available.

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  • 16-December-2022


    Azerbaijan joins the Inclusive Framework on BEPS and participates in the agreement to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy

    Azerbaijan joins international efforts against tax evasion and avoidance by joining the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS).

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  • 2-December-2022


    Service design and delivery in the European Neighbourhood Policy East region - A comparative report on designing and delivering administrative services in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

    European Neighbourhood East countries have been actively engaged in improving service delivery for citizens and businesses for some time. Some have opted for flagship initiatives (often with large-scale, one-stop shop solutions), some for digitalisation of services, while some have taken an incremental approach towards the service delivery modernisation process. This comparative paper outlines the state of play in the design and delivery of public administrative services in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Public administrative services cover the vast array of interactions with (and within) government: making enquiries, applications, registrations and payments, and receiving information, documentation, decisions and funds. These contacts allow service users (citizens, businesses and non-governmental organisations) to exercise rights, access entitlements, execute obligations and achieve ambitions. As well as the description and analysis of the general service delivery framework(s), institutional set-up and practical implementation, this paper presents a comparative analysis of a set of life events and highlights inspiring practices from the different countries.
  • 3-October-2022


    Green Economy Transition in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia - Progress and Ways Forward

    Since the 1990’s, the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) have made great progress in pursuing economic development that is also environmentally sustainable. The countries, in collaboration with the GREEN Action Task Force hosted by the OECD, has developed a number of policies aiming to improve environmental quality and social well-being, while creating opportunities for strong economic growth and decent jobs in the region. This report was prepared as the OECD contribution to the ninth 'Environment for Europe' (EfE) Conference (5-7 October 2022). In this context, this report aims to: (i) take stock of progress on policy developments towards a green economy in the EECCA countries; (ii) showcase selected contributions from of the Green Action Task Force that integrate environmental and climate considerations into development pathways of the EECCA countries, and mobilise finance for action; and (iii) provide an outlook for the future, including priority actions that the Task Force in co-operation with the EECCA countries should take to enhance the momentum for green economy transition in the region.
  • 31-August-2022


    EU4Environment Country Profile 2021-2022 – Azerbaijan

    Since 2019, EU4Environment has been supporting Azerbaijan towards green transformation. Find out highlights of concrete results, achievements and success stories in our new released country profile.

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  • 18-July-2022


    Implementing a Long-Term Energy Policy Planning Process for Azerbaijan - A Roadmap

    Long-term energy planning is central to a country’s strategic direction. Without it, governments may end up relying on a patchwork of policies and legislation that can be incoherent and ill-suited for the complex challenges countries are increasingly faced with. Good long-term energy planning encompasses domestic and foreign policy, while touching on many key areas of the economy including industry, natural resources and trade. The process involves multiple stakeholders across the government, but also brings in the private sector as well as citizens, as it aims to set out a strategic path towards a clear goal. Azerbaijan, like many of its peers, is looking to understand how best to meet the opportunities and complexities of the global clean energy transition. The 2014-2015 oil shock prompted the government to consider and draft a slate of new laws and reform packages, and at present efforts are being made to finalise and pass an energy strategy. The price volatility seen in global markets over 2020-2022 is making it even clearer that energy planning using scenario analysis and modelling will help countries successfully respond to new and unexpected challenges in a resilient fashion. This roadmap details the necessary steps in building that process and exploring relevant policy options that producer economies have pursued, which may be relevant to Azerbaijan. It then discusses data collection and survey design, which are key to establishing the base for energy modelling. The roadmap then looks at energy modelling and its role in policy making. This roadmap aims to help Azerbaijan reconsider the policy planning process as it looks to connect key laws and reforms into a greater energy strategy. It also sets out a path for Azerbaijan to make this process sustainable and iterative, connecting its policymakers with its statisticians, and investing in in-house modelling capacity. Every country must choose its own energy path, based on its specific needs and resources, but having a long-term plan can smooth out that path significantly.
  • 30-May-2022


    Anti-Corruption Reforms in Azerbaijan - Pilot 5th Round of Monitoring Under the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan

    This pilot report assesses Azerbaijan’s anti-corruption framework and practices based on the criteria to test the new methodology for the 5th round of monitoring under the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan. The report examines Azerbaijan's anti-corruption policy documents, the investigation and prosecution of corruption offences and the overall enforcement framework. The report also identifies areas for improvement and provides recommendations.
  • 27-April-2022


    Promoting Enterprise Digitalisation in Azerbaijan

    The COVID-19 crisis has given renewed urgency to efforts to support the digitalisation of SMEs. However, many SMEs lag behind larger firms in the digital transition as a result of important barriers with respect to skills, innovation, infrastructure, regulation and finance. The SME digital gap slows productivity growth and increases inequalities among people, firms and places. In this context, the Government of Azerbaijan requested the OECD’s assistance in supporting the design and implementation of strategies and policies to foster the digital transformation of Azerbaijan’s SME sector.
  • 12-January-2022


  • 27-October-2021


    Towards a green economy in the Eastern Partner countries with EU4Environment: Mid-term achievements

    Since EU4Environment launch in 2019, an important progress has been done in modernising environmental policies and legislation, aligning them with the EU framework, promoting resource efficient and cleaner production in enterprises and mobilising financial resources for reducing environmental risks and impacts.

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