

  • 8-April-2016


    Trade facilitation and integrity go hand in hand? More than you think - OECD Insights blog

    Is there a role for trade liberalisation and facilitation in zeroing in on corruption and supporting integrity in trade? Yes – and a greater one than you might think.

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  • 24-September-2015


    Investigating corruption: OECD gets award for its work on foreign bribery enforcement

    24 September 2015 - At the 2015 Global Investigations Review awards, the OECD collected the prize for the "most important investigations development" category. The OECD was given the award in recognition of its tireless work promoting foreign bribery enforcement around the world.

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  • 10-August-2015


    Creating Cultures of Integrity, OECD Insights blog

    There are concrete steps that can be taken in achieving a culture of integrity. To achieve this, we work with countries to adopt a whole-of-society approach. That means all stakeholders, public, private and civil society, must work together to make it happen.

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  • 18-March-2015


    The policy maker’s guide to graft - OECD Insights Blog

    Blog written for the OECD Integrity Forum 2015 on “Curbing Corruption – Investing in Growth”. The Forum will expose corruption in its myriad forms, in both the public and private sectors, as part of the OECD CleanGovBiz initiative, supporting governments, business and civil society to build integrity and fight corruption.

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  • 1-December-2014


    Lobbying standards still not where they should be - EU Observer blog

    Opinion piece on lobbying regulation by Rolf Alter, published in the EU Observer.

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  • 28-November-2014


    Lobbying: an opaque activity of dubious integrity? Insights blog

    OECD blog article on the lobbying, written for the launch of the publication "Lobbyists, Government and Public Trust, Volume 3".

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  • 1-October-2012


    It's high time to fight corruption in education, by Mihaylo Milovanovitch

    A modern day Bulgarian proverb says “What money can’t buy, a lot of money can”. Sadly, the truth of this popular wisdom holds well beyond the country it comes from. Sadly too, it seems to work well in schools and universities. Year by year Transparency International (TI), an international anti-corruption NGO, publishes data on the perceptions and experience of people from around the globe...

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  • 25-July-2011


    Taking a robust stance on bribery (by William Hague, UK Foreign Secretary)

    "The UK Bribery Act, which came into force on 1 July, is an important step in Britain’s efforts to combat bribery. The Act will equip the UK courts with some of the most robust anti-bribery legislation in the world."

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  • 9-February-2011


    South Africa's fight against bribery

    In 2007, South Africa signed up to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and joined the Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions, a group made up of representatives from all 38 signatory countries which monitors the convention's implementation and enforcement.

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