

  • 27-May-2016


    Business and finance: The size of the reversal of the supercycle is bigger than you think

    27/05/2016 - The real economy will always seem to be disconnected from the financial economy during periods when the need for structural change is so overwhelming that it can hardly be otherwise. We have had the easiest monetary policy of any historical era outside of hyperinflations, and productivity fails to grow, economic activity is weak...

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  • 24-May-2016


    It’s up to us all to end child labour

    A young boy named Kalu, who had been rescued from a carpet-weaving unit in Bihar, once raised a compelling and very significant question when he met then-President Bill Clinton. In conversation with the President, Kalu politely inquired about his plans and policies with regard to the world’s children and their condition.

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  • 21-May-2016


    What is blocking business investment and productivity growth?

    21/05/2016 - It is seven years since the global crisis and despite easy monetary policy, financial regulatory reform, and G20 resolutions favouring structural measures, the world economy is not making a lot of progress. Adrian Blundell-Wignall gives a preview of what’s in the 2016 edition of the OECD Business and Finance Outlook.

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  • 8-April-2016


    Trade facilitation and integrity go hand in hand? More than you think - OECD Insights blog

    Is there a role for trade liberalisation and facilitation in zeroing in on corruption and supporting integrity in trade? Yes – and a greater one than you might think.

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  • 18-November-2015


    Do lower taxes encourage investment?

    Conventional wisdom holds that countries with lower taxes attract higher levels of foreign direct investment (FDI). At first glance, this intuitive assumption seems to be supported by the evidence but is this true?. Pierre Poret, Deputy Director of the OECD Financial and Enterprise Affairs Directorate takes a closer look.

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  • 10-September-2015


    Promoting inclusive business through responsible business. Part 2 – Shared value and community-based development

    The private sector plays an important role in economic development. However to be beneficial to local populations, business must act responsibly. Part 2 of this blog focuses on how community engagement can help business achieve this, in harmony with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and reinforce the link between responsible business and inclusive growth.

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  • 9-September-2015


    Promoting inclusive business through responsible business. Part 1 – Outsource production not responsibility

    The private sector plays an important role in economic development. However to be beneficial to local populations, business must act responsibly. Part 1 of this blog discusses how business can do this, as laid out in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and make a positive contribution to economic, environmental and social progress with a view to achieving sustainable development.

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  • 3-August-2015


    When businesses are bad, who you gonna call?

    Most businesses are good. They pay their taxes, they create employment, they abide by the laws, and they generally contribute to the societies in which they operate. But what can be done when businesses behave badly? This blog discusses the National Contact Points, the unique grievance mechanism of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and how could be improved to better fulfill their potential.

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  • 16-June-2015


    Striving for excellence – international sporting events we can be proud of

    This blog post John Morrison, Executive Director of the Institute for Human Rights and Business, discusses what the social responsibilities of sporting events should be and argues for greater oversight and due diligence at every stage of the mega-sporting events delivery process.

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  • 14-June-2015


    As demands for better human rights reporting grow fast, help is at hand

    This blog post discusses how the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework, introduced in February 2015, help companies provide evidence of how they are conducting human rights due diligence: the process of assessing and addressing their human rights impacts, and tracking and communicating how well they do so.

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