

  • 27-February-2013


    The system of revenue sharing and fiscal transfers in China

    The main features of China’s current sub-national finance arrangements date back to the 1994 tax reform. China has a multi-level government structure that shares national tax revenues through a system of tax sharing and transfers, and divides spending assignments and responsibilities.

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  • 27-September-2012


    China: Trade and product markets

    This paper explores the productivity impact of trade, product market and financial market policies over the last decade in China – a fast growing country where, despite significant reform action, regulatory stance remains still far from OECD standards.

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  • 25-March-2010

    Chinese, , 597kb

    2010年代的中国 重新平衡增长加强社会安全网络

    如今,中国成为全球第二大经济体,它的需求对于拉动诸多国家的复苏而言发挥着举足轻重的作用。本文借鉴了OECD 几个星期前刚刚发布的中国经济全面评估报告,希望对中国发展高层论坛2010 年会“中国和世界经济:增长·调整·合作”有所贡献。中国的经济增长在不断刷新历史记 录,本文不仅着重探讨了这种增长表现得最为突出的特点,而且指出了中国希望维持快速增长时应该解决的问题。

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