
Latest Documents

  • 30-January-2009

    English, , 858kb

    Data Analysis of the Identification of Correlations between Polymer Characteristics and Potential for Health or Ecotoxicological Concern

    This document contains an analysis of data on 205 polymers to identify correlations between polymer characteristics and the potential for health or ecotoxicological concern.

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  • 27-September-2007


    Guidance on Grouping of Chemicals

    Revised Guidance for Grouping of Chemicals. Considers closely related chemicals as a group, or cateogory, rather than as individual chemicals. In this approach, not every chemical needs to be tested for every endpoint.

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  • 1-August-2007


    OECD Harmonised Templates

    The OECD Harmonised Templates are standard data formats for reporting reults of studies with chemicals in order to determine their properties and effects on human health and the environment.

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  • 2-February-2006


    Emission Scenario Document on kraft pulp mills

    The purpose of this emission scenario document (ESD) is to provide a realistic worst-case emission scenario for chemicals used at kraft pulp mills.

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  • 2-February-2006


    Emission Scenario Document on insecticides for stables and manure storage systems

    This Emission Scenario Document (ESD) addresses active substances for insecticides, acaricides and products to control other arthropods (in the EU, “product type 18”1), Used in animal housing and man

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  • 2-February-2006


    Comparison of emission estimation methods used in pollutant release and transfer registers and emisson scenario documents: case study of pulp and paper and textile sectors

    Emission estimation plays a key role in the risk assessments of chemical pollutants. These assessments have been facilitated with the use of Emission Scenario Documents (ESD’s) developed by member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

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  • 2-February-2006


    Emission Scenario Document on recovered paper mills

    The purpose of this emission scenario document (ESD) is to provide a realistic worst-case emission scenario for chemicals used at recovered paper mills.

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  • 2-February-2006


    Approaches to exposure assessment in OECD member countries: report from the policy dialogue on exposure assessment in June 2005

    This document summarises the outcome from a Policy Dialogue on Exposure Assessment which was held on 6-7 June 2005 in Paris, in conjunction with the 38th Joint Meeting of the Chemicals Committee and the Working Party on Chemicals, Pesticides and Biotechnology.

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  • 2-February-2006


    Emission Scenario Document on non-integrated paper mills

    This ESD on nonintegrated paper mills is representative of the industrial phase of the life cycle, when the pulp is converted to paper and/or board products.

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  • 5-April-2005


    Emission Scenario Document on Antifouling Products

    This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) describes emission scenarios for three parts of the life cycle for antifouling products used on ship and boat hulls: (1) application; (2) service life; and (3) removal. The primary aim of this ESD is for use in risk assessments in notification and authorisation procedures in regulatory frameworks used in OECD countries. The ESD is intended to be used for general risk assessment and is

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