
Best Practices / Guidelines

  • 23-September-2013


    Assessing the risk of chemicals to children’s health: an OECD-wide survey

    This document outlines the methodologies and tools currently used to assess the risk of chemicals to children’s health and also identifies possible needs for additional guidance or tools based on the results of an on-line survey conducted in November 2011. The following areas of risk assessment are covered: definitions, hazard and exposure assessment, risk characterisation, cohort studies and combined exposure to multiple chemicals.

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  • 18-September-2013


    Low-level presence of transgenic plants in seed and grain commodities: Environmental risk/safety Assessment, and availability and use of information

    This Biosafety document aims to serve as an aid to risk assessors and regulators; providing guidance on handling the aspects of an environmental safety assessment, accessing and using information in situations of low-level presence (LLP) of transgenic plants in seed and grain commodities.

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  • 1-August-2013


    Guidance for Assessment of the Efficacy of Baits Against Garden Ants

    This biocide document provides guidance on the conduct of laboratory and field tests aimed to assess the efficacy of anti-ants baits for indoor use. A bait contains one or more insecticidal active ingredients combined with food for garden ants.

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  • 11-July-2013


    Measure pesticide residues in meat, milk, eggs, etc.

    This document provides guidance on pesticide residue studies and describes differences in OECD countries in livestock feeding practices and diet composition. The data obtained from these studies allow quantifying the transfer of residues from feedstuff to animal and establishing maximum limits which ensure that these residues do not pose unacceptable risks for consumers.

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  • 10-June-2013

    Chinese, PDF, 369kb

    Chinese Corporate Governance for Process Safety (Guidance for Senior Leaders in High Hazard Industries)

    These guidelines aim to strike a balance between risk and benefit by drawing the attention of those at the top of industry to the need for high standards of corporate governance in relation to the management of high hazard industries. Chinese version.

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  • 10-June-2013

    Norwegian, PDF, 2,575kb

    Norwegian Corporate Governance for Process Safety (Guidance for Senior Leaders in High Hazard Industries)

    These guidelines aim to strike a balance between risk and benefit by drawing the attention of those at the top of industry to the need for high standards of corporate governance in relation to the management of high hazard industries. Norwegian version.

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  • 21-May-2013


    Guidance Document On Developing And Assessing Adverse Outcome Pathways

    This guidance document intends to provide an insight into which pieces of information that are necessary to identify and document an adverse outcome pathway (AOP) and how to present them. The AOP concept has been developed as a means of providing transparent mechanistic justification and weight-of-evidence to reduce uncertainty in the predictions for complex toxicological endpoints.

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  • 25-April-2013


    Guidance Document for Exposure Assessment Based on Environmental Monitoring

    This document provides guidance for performing an exposure assessment based on environmental monitoring data.It covers topics such as environmental levels and distribution of contaminants, ways of using monitoring data in exposure assessments for differing purposes, the collection of data, quality of monitoring activities, as well as several examples of data compilation in member countries and their use in exposure assessment.

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  • 27-February-2013


    Global Pollutant Release And Transfer Register: Proposal for a harmonised list of reporting sectors

    This document compares sectors of industrial activities and their reporting thresholds among different national / regional PRTRs to improve the comparability of PRTR data, and proposes a harmonised list of sectors.

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  • 1-February-2013


    Consensus document on composition of new soybean varieties: food and feed nutrients, anti-nutrients, toxicants and allergens

    This revised document supplies basic information (compositional considerations, key constituents), useful in risk/safety assessment of food and feed using new varieties of soybean (Glycine max.). This updated publication replaces the original issue of 2001.

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