
Latest Documents

  • 3-August-2016


    Revised Consensus Document on Compositional Considerations for New Varieties of Rice (Oryza sativa): Key Food and Feed Nutrients, Anti-nutrients and other constituents

    The document addresses compositional considerations for new varieties of rice by identifying the key food and feed nutrients, anti-nutrients, and other constituents. A general description of these components is provided including background material on the cultivated rice species, production, consumption, processing and uses of rice, and considerations to be taken into account when assessing new varieties of this crop.

  • 5-April-2016


    Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms in the Environment, Volume 5 - OECD Consensus Documents

    This series represents a compilation of the biosafety consensus documents developed by the OECD Working Group on Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology over the periods 2011-12 (Volume 5) and 2013-15 (Volume 6). Volumes 5 and 6 describe the biology, centres of origin, genetics, hybridisation, production and use, and ecology elements of several crops (sugarcane, cassava, sorghum, common bean, cucurbits) and trees (eucalyptus species). They also provide considerations on pathogenicity factors in assessing the potential adverse health effects of bacteria, and the low level presence of transgenic plants in seed and grain commodities.The consensus documents contain information for use during the regulatory assessment of products of modern biotechnology, i.e. transgenic organisms (plants, animals, micro-organisms), when intended for release in the environment. As such, it should be of value to applicants for use of genetically-engineered organisms in agriculture mainly, to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities for their biosafety assessments, as well as the wider scientific community. More information on this OECD programme is found at BioTrack online (  
  • 5-April-2016


    Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms in the Environment, Volume 6 - OECD Consensus Documents

    This series represents a compilation of the biosafety consensus documents developed by the OECD Working Group on Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology over the periods 2011-12 (Volume 5) and 2013-15 (Volume 6). Volumes 5 and 6 describe the biology, centres of origin, genetics, hybridisation, production and use, and ecology elements of several crops (sugarcane, cassava, sorghum, common bean, cucurbits) and trees (eucalyptus species). They also provide considerations on pathogenicity factors in assessing the potential adverse health effects of bacteria, and the low level presence of transgenic plants in seed and grain commodities.The consensus documents contain information for use during the regulatory assessment of products of modern biotechnology, i.e. transgenic organisms (plants, animals, micro-organisms), when intended for release in the environment. As such, it should be of value to applicants for use of genetically-engineered organisms in agriculture mainly, to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities for their biosafety assessments, as well as the wider scientific community. More information on this OECD programme is found at BioTrack online ( 
  • 22-December-2015


    Consensus Document on Compositional Considerations for New Varieties of Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

    This document supplies basic information useful in risk/safety assessment of food and feed using new varieties of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): background on this major legume which is grown and consumed worldwide, compositional considerations, key constituents (nutrients, anti-nutrients, and others). Constituents to be analysed are suggested. This publication is issued in the Novel Food and Feed Safety Series.

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  • 22-December-2015


    Consensus Document on the Biology of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

    This publication is a tool for environmental safety assessment of COWPEA varieties. This grain legume is an important staple crop in (sub)tropical regions, in Africa mainly. It can be genetically-engineered for resistance to herbicides, pests or diseases. Biology elements useful to biosafety evaluation are detailed, e.g. taxonomy, cultivation, reproduction, genetics, hybridisation, ecology, common pests and pathogens.

    Related Documents
  • 22-December-2015


    Consensus Document on the Biology of Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

    This document is a tool for environmental safety assessment of COMMON BEAN varieties. This main legume for direct human consumption worldwide can be genetically-engineered for resistance to herbicides, insects and diseases. Biology elements useful to biosafety evaluation are detailed, e.g. taxonomy, closely-related species, geographic distribution, cultivation, reproduction, genetics, hybridisation, ecology, common pests and pathogens.

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  • 23-April-2015


    Safety Assessment of Foods and Feeds Derived from Transgenic Crops, Volume 2

    Volume II of this series compiles the science-based consensus documents of the OECD Task Force for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds from 2009 to 2014. They contain information for use during the regulatory assessment of food/feed products of modern biotechnology, i.e. developed from transgenic crops. Relevant information includes compositional considerations (nutrients, anti-nutrients, toxicants, allergens), use of the plant species as food/feed, key products and components suggested for analysis of new varieties for food use and for feed use, and other elements. These documents should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of novel foods and feeds, regulators and risk assessors in national authorities for their comparative approach, as well as the wider scientific community.
  • 3-April-2015


    Safety Assessment of Foods and Feeds Derived from Transgenic Crops, Volume 1

    Volume I of this series compiles the science-based consensus documents of the OECD Task Force for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds from 2002 to 2008.

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  • 3-April-2015


    Safety Assessment of Foods and Feeds Derived from Transgenic Crops, Volume 1

    Volume I of this series compiles the science-based consensus documents of the OECD Task Force for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds from 2002 to 2008. They contain information for use during the regulatory assessment of food/feed products of modern biotechnology, i.e. developed from transgenic crops. Relevant information includes compositional considerations (nutrients, anti-nutrients, toxicants, allergens), use of the plant species as food/feed, key products and components suggested for analysis of new varieties for food use and for feed use, and other elements. These documents should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of novel foods and feeds, regulators and risk assessors in national authorities for their comparative approach, as well as the wider scientific community.
  • 20-August-2014


    Consensus document on the biology of Eucalyptus spp.

    This publication is a tool for environmental safety assessment of EUCALYPTUS novel lines. Planted in the tropics and sub-tropics, E. species can be genetically-engineered for resistance to disease/drought/cold/salinity, or lower lignin content. Elements useful to biosafety evaluation are detailed, e.g. Eucalyptus taxonomy, origin, reproduction, genetics, hybridisation, ecology, allergens-toxins, beneficial chemical products, breeding.

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