
By Date

  • 16-June-2017


    Policies for Stronger and More Inclusive Growth in Canada

    After two decades of solid growth of household disposable income and living standards more generally, Canadians generally enjoy a high level of well-being. However, disparities persist – not all population groups have benefitted equally strongly from past improvements in living standards. Income inequality is close to the OECD average, but the tax and benefit system is less redistributive than those in most OECD countries. Despite high social mobility over a number of different dimensions such as health, earnings, social class or education, middle class self-identification has fallen in recent years. At the same time, productivity growth has slowed own, limiting the potential for further improvements in living standards. The slowdown in productivity growth is linked to a growing divide between high-productivity frontier firms and low-productivity laggards, as well as a weakening of business dynamism. The cross-cutting challenge presented by the persistence of multidimensional inequalities and weak productivity growth underlines the need for a reappraisal of Canada’s policy making process with the aim of fostering stronger and more inclusive growth.
  • 21-March-2017


    City of Talent Montreal - An Action Plan for Boosting Employment, Innovation and Skills

    Montreal has huge potential to become one of the most dynamic cities across OECD countries, thanks to its talented and creative population. Yet the city has not demonstrated outstanding results in terms of job creation and collective wealth generation in the past few years. This report examines this paradox and suggests new strategies to improve local outcomes in terms of employment, innovation and skills, and to boost inclusive economic growth and innovation across the Quebec metropolis.
  • 30-November-2016


    Consumption Tax Trends 2016: Country highlights

    This publication provides detailed country notes on Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax (VAT/GST) and excise duty rates in OECD member countries.

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  • 30-November-2016


    Revenue Statistics 2016: Country highlights

    This annual publication presents detailed country notes and internationally comparable tax data for all OECD countries from 1965 onwards.

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  • 26-September-2016

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    Environmental taxes: Key findings for Canada

    This country note provides an environmental tax and carbon pricing profile for Canada. It shows environmentally related tax revenues, taxes on energy use and effective carbon rates.

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  • 12-September-2016


    Employment and Skills Strategies in Saskatchewan and the Yukon, Canada

    This report looks at a range of local employment and economic development issues in Saskatchewan and the Yukon, Canada, with a focus on indigenous peoples. The report provides a comparative framework to understand the role of the local level in contributing to more and better quality jobs, and practical recommendations to help federal, provincial/territorial, and local policy makers in Canada build effective and sustainable partnerships that join-up efforts across employment, training, and economic development policies. Co-ordinated policies can help workers find suitable jobs, while also stimulating entrepreneurship and productivity, which increases the quality of life and prosperity within a community as well as throughout the country.

  • 3-August-2016


    Strengthening competition in network sectors and the internal market in Canada

    Canada’s productivity performance has lagged that of many other OECD countries, despite some improvement in recent years.

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  • 27-July-2016


    Boosting productivity through greater small business dynamism in Canada

    Small business dynamism is a feature of an SME sector that contributes to overall productivity growth, not an end in itself.

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  • 8-July-2016


    Database on instruments used for environmental policy

    This database provides information on environmentally related taxes, fees and charges, tradable permit systems, deposit refund systems, environmentally motivated subsidies and voluntary approaches used in environmental policy in OECD member countries and a number of other countries. Developed in co-operation between the OECD and the European Environment Agency.

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