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  • 4-December-2018

    English, PDF, 546kb

    Good jobs for all in a changing world of work: The new OECD Jobs Strategy – Key findings for Belgium

    The digital revolution, globalisation and demographic changes are transforming labour markets at a time when policy makers are also struggling with slow productivity and wage growth and high levels of income inequality. The new OECD Jobs Strategy provides a comprehensive framework and policy recommendations to help countries address these challenges

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  • 19-December-2017


    Raising and mobilising skills to boost productivity and inclusiveness in Belgium

    A highly educated and skilled workforce has been an important driver of productivity performance and prosperity in Belgium.

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  • 19-December-2017


    Making the business environment more supportive of productivity in Belgium

    A favourable business environment is crucial to boosting Belgium’s productivity and inclusiveness and to sustain improvements in long-term economic prosperity.

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  • 22-November-2017


    OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017 - highlights by country

    These notes present selected country highlights from the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017 with a specific focus on digital trends among all themes covered.

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  • 30-November-2016


    Revenue Statistics 2016: Country highlights

    This annual publication presents detailed country notes and internationally comparable tax data for all OECD countries from 1965 onwards.

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  • 30-November-2016


    Consumption Tax Trends 2016: Country highlights

    This publication provides detailed country notes on Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax (VAT/GST) and excise duty rates in OECD member countries.

    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 29-February-2016

    English, PDF, 547kb

    Overview of Health Policy in Belgium

    Belgium shows average health outcomes compared to other OECD countries. Life expectancy at birth is 80.7 years, just above the OECD average. Quality of care is fair, standing again near the OECD average. Health expenditure at 10.2% of GDP is higher than the OECD average of 1.3% points in 2013. Health policy in Belgium relies on shared responsibility of both the federal authorities and federated entities (regions and communities).

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  • 11-December-2015


    OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015

    The effective use of school resources is a policy priority across OECD countries. The OECD Reviews of School Resources explore how resources can be governed, distributed, utilised and managed to improve the quality, equity and efficiency of school education.The series considers four types of resources: financial resources, such as public funding of individual schools; human resources, such as teachers, school leaders and education administrators; physical resources, such as location, buildings and equipment; and other resources such as learning time.This series offers timely policy advice to both governments and the education community. It includes both country reports and thematic studies.
  • 24-November-2015


    Education at a Glance 2015: Belgium

    The 2015 edition introduces more detailed analysis of participation in early childhood and tertiary levels of education. The report also examines first generation tertiary-educated adults’ educational and social mobility, labour market outcomes for recent graduates, and participation in employer-sponsored formal and/or non-formal education.

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  • 30-April-2015


    Maintaining an efficient and equitable housing market in Belgium

    Housing conditions in Belgium are among the best in OECD countries according to the Better Life Index, as dwellings are of high quality and large, and housing costs are average.

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