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  • 11-April-2016


    Protecting Consumers through Behavioural Insights - Regulating the Communications Market in Colombia

    This innovative book combines results from research conducted in Colombia about how communications services consumers make consumption choices with OECD expertise in regulatory policy, behavioural economics, and data analytics, in order to help improve the consumer protection regime in Colombia. It focuses on the types of incentives that should be provided to change both provider and user behaviour, and considers where appropriate regulatory interventions may be needed to ensure that these incentives are realised. This work supports the Communications Regulator of Colombia in redesigning its consumer protection regime. This effort has refocused the regulatory framework from 'protecting rights' towards making the market function best; this involves encouraging the providers to improve the quality of their services and rates offered in the market and to foster a better understanding of what is being offered and how. The book also makes specific recommendations on possible follow-up experiments to test some of the possible solutions to help communications services consumers better understand the information provided by service operators.
  • 31-mars-2016


    L'impératif d'innovation - Contribuer à la productivité, à la croissance et au bien-être

    L’innovation, lorsqu’elle est bien ciblée et vient au bon moment, améliore la productivité, accélère la croissance économique et aide à la résolution des problèmes sociétaux. Des questions demeurent cependant : comment les gouvernements peuvent-ils encourager les personnes à innover en plus grand nombre et plus fréquemment? Comment le gouvernement peut-il lui-même être plus innovant ?La Stratégie de l’Innovation de l’OCDE propose un ensemble de principes pour stimuler l’innovation au sein de la population, des entreprises et du gouvernement. À partir de recherches et de données actualisées, elle analyse en détail l’étendue de l’innovation, son évolution ainsi que les endroits où elle apparaît et les formes qu’elle revêt. 
  • 22-March-2016


    OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Sweden 2016

    The 2016 Sweden Review of Innovation Policy deepens the 2012 Review by focusing on six policy initiatives central to the 2008 and 2012 Swedish Research and Innovation Bills, notably: 1) the increase in funding for university research, 2) the establishment of Strategic Research Areas, 3) actions designed to enhance the role of research institutes in Sweden’s innovation system, 4) the definition and funding of Strategic Innovation Areas in collaboration with industrial, academic and research institute actors, 5) the initiation of a Challenge-Driven Innovation programme addressing societal challenges, 6) improved prioritisation and support for Swedish participation in European research and innovation activities.
  • 14-décembre-2015


    Perspectives de l'économie numérique de l'OCDE 2015

    L’économie numérique touche désormais un très grand nombre d’aspects de l’économie mondiale, comprenant des secteurs aussi variés que la banque, la vente au détail, l’énergie, le transport, l’éducation, l’édition, les médias ainsi que la santé. Les technologies de l’information et des communications transforment la manière dont évoluent les  interactions sociales et les relations personnelles, avec la convergence des réseaux fixes, mobiles et de radiodiffusion et aussi des appareils qui sont de plus en plus connectés pour former l’Internet des objets.Cette publication aide les pays à évaluer comment optimiser le potentiel de l’économie numérique en tant que levier d’innovation et de croissance inclusive. Elle examine également les évolutions de l’économie numérique ainsi que les défis émergents dont les décideurs doivent tenir compte dans le cadre des stratégies numériques nationales. Les chapitres de la publication comprennent un survol de l’état actuel et futur de l’économie numérique; les principales tendances dans le secteur des TIC et les évolutions de la politique publique et de la réglementation des communications; la demande et l’adoption des TIC et les effets de l’économie numérique sur la croissance et le développement. Ce volume contient également un chapitre sur la confiance dans l’économie numérique et un chapitre sur l’Internet des objets.  
  • 24-November-2015


    Adapting Transport Policy to Climate Change - Carbon Valuation, Risk and Uncertainty

    Transport accounts for nearly a quarter of carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion. The price attached to these emissions is critical to climate policies and emissions mitigation efforts in the sector. As the impact of emissions on climate does not depend on where CO2 is released, the price of carbon should be uniform. In reality, however, it varies immensely, reflecting the complexity of assessing climate impacts.This report reviews the three key challenges in considering the effects of carbon dioxide emissions in economic appraisal: the valuation of carbon dioxide emissions, the treatment of uncertainty in climate change and the approach used to discounting future costs and benefits. The report reviews current approaches in selected countries (France, Germany, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States) and provides examples of good practice and recommendations for national and international policy making.  
  • 19-October-2015


    Korea leading in technologies that have potential for future growth, says OECD

    Thanks to robust skills and investment in R&D, Korea is leading in the development of frontier technologies with potential to transform production processes, stimulate the entry of new firms, and the launch of ground-breaking products and applications, according to a new OECD report.

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  • 12-March-2015


    Big Data for Advancing Dementia Research - An Evaluation of Data Sharing Practices in Research on Age-related Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Dementia is increasing in prevalence, and to date has no cure or treatment. One element in improving this situation is using and sharing data more widely to increase the power of research. Further, moving beyond established medical data into big data offers the potential to tap into routinely collected data from both within and outside the health system.

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  • 23-September-2014


    Biobased Chemicals and Bioplastics: Finding the Right Policy Balance

    Several OECD countries have published their plans for the development of a future bioeconomy, in which bio-based materials and production techniques will contribute significantly to economic and environmental sustainability. The case for support for bio-based chemicals and plastics therefore warrants serious attention.

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  • 4-June-2014


    Emerging Policy Issues in Synthetic Biology

    Synthetic biology is an emerging technology that shows promise for investigating some of the burning issues in biological research. It also has the potential to address some of the grand challenges facing society, such as climate change and energy security.

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  • 20-March-2014


    Unleashing the Power of Big Data for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Research

    More than 35 million people worldwide had dementia in 2010 and this number is expected to exceed 115 million by 2050. This paper reports on the opportunities offered by the informatics revolution and big data to address Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia. This will require careful planning and multi-stakeholder collaboration as technical, administrative, regulatory, infrastructure and financial obstacles emerge.

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