

  • 20-January-2021


    Good regulatory practices and co-operation in trade agreements - A historical perspective and stocktaking

    This paper presents a stocktaking of standalone chapters in trade agreements dedicated to good regulatory practices and international regulatory co-operation. While standalone regulatory policy chapters in trade agreements remain a new development, they signal countries’ increasing interest in elevating the visibility and ambition of regulatory policy, in line with their commitments in the 2012 OECD Recommendation of the Council on Regulatory Policy and Governance and the 2005 APEC-OECD Integrated Checklist on Regulatory Reform. Still, the level of ambition of these chapters varies widely depending on the state of play of regulatory policy in trading partners. By comparing the main substantive and structural features of these chapters, this stocktaking aims to inform the development of similar chapters in future trade agreements.
  • 16-June-2020


    Decarbonising Urban Mobility with Land Use and Transport Policies - The Case of Auckland, New Zealand

    The report presents an in-depth analysis of various policies that aim to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of urban transport. Decarbonising transport lies at the core of efforts to mitigate climate change and has close links to urban sustainability and housing affordability. The report identifies the drivers of rising emissions in the urban transport sector and offers pathways to reduce them through a combination of transport and land use policies. The analysis yields a holistic welfare evaluation of these policies, assessing them according to their environmental effectiveness, their economic efficiency and their impact on fiscal balance and housing affordability. The report concludes that significant reductions in emissions from urban transport can be achieved through a careful alignment of transport policies designed to promote the use of public transit and electric vehicles, and land use policies, which foster a more compact urban form. The study is based on the case of Auckland, New Zealand but the lessons drawn are relevant for institutions and governments working on issues relating to urban sustainability, transport, housing and climate change mitigation.
  • 11-octobre-2017


    Améliorer la productivité de l’économie Néo-Zélandaise

    La Nouvelle-Zélande est très bien classée en ce qui concerne la plupart des indicateurs du bien-être, mais les revenus y sont inférieurs à la moyenne de l’OCDE du fait de la faible productivité de la main-d’oeuvre.

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  • 30-avril-2009


    Les politiques structurelles requises pour surmonter les obstacles géographiques et promouvoir la prospérité en Nouvelle-Zélande

    Les niveaux de vie en Nouvelle-Zélande restent bien inférieurs à la moyenne de l’OCDE. Cet écart est entièrement attribuable à une croissance durablement faible de la productivité du travail.

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