
Commerce illicite

Charting Illicit Trade


3rd meeting of the OECD Task Force on Charting Illicit Trade

OECD, Paris, 30-31 March 2015

The third meeting of the OECD Task Force on Charting Illicit Trade (TF-CIT) discussed its first synthesis report on illicit trade, comprising estimates on the values and flows of some of the most important sectors. The Task force considered how to effectively communicate these findings, and their implications, to a broad group of stakeholders including such policy communities as law enforcement, customs and taxation. Governments were invited to present their recent actions and policy initiatives to deter, reduce or prevent illicit trade, and Task force members responded with their insights. The meeting discussed on-going work under the Task force and considered proposals from members on where it could most usefully focus efforts going forward.

The TF-CIT meets as part of the OECD High Level Risk Forum of the Public Governance Committee. It was set-up to better understand the dynamics of illicit trade, who the actors are, where and how it occurs, the size of the problem and the methods used to conduct it. To address this global risk, public and private sector decision makers need a firmer grasp on how it impacts economic activities, and a clearer understanding of the geographic, technological and policy conditions that drive it and governance gaps that enable it. The goal of the Task force is to identify good practices, to promote tractable policy reforms and to foster international cooperation with a view to reduce or deter illicit trade. It aims to facilitate a cross-cutting and holistic effort to improve data quality, enhance partnerships between the public and private sectors for data sharing, and conceive new approaches to effective policy strategies.




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