

OECD Working Papers on Sovereign Borrowing and Public Debt Management



OECD Working Papers on Sovereign Borrowing and Public Debt Management provide authoritative information on technical and policy issues in the area of public debt management (PDM) and government securities markets. Studies closely track structural issues, trends and challenges in government debt policies and markets.

These studies are prepared for dissemination among sovereign debt managers, financial policy makers, regulators, financial market participants, rating agencies, and academics. By providing information on this highly specialised field of government activity and policy, papers aim to stimulate discussions among a wider audience as well as further analysis.


WP 9: The liquidity buffer practices of public debt managers in OECD countries

WP 8:  The role of public debt managers in contingent liability management + Annex of selected country practices


WP7: Assessing the cost effectiveness of index-linked bond issuance - - A methodological approach, illustrated using UK examples


Government debt management and operational risk: A risk management framework and its application in Turkey


WP6: An overview of leading practices in investor relations and communications in the OECD Area


WP5: Buyback and exchange operations: Policies, procedures and practices among OECD Public Debt Managers


WP4: A Critical Analysis of the Technical Assumptions of the Standard Micro Portfolio Approach to Sovereign Debt Management


WP3: Interactions Between Sovereign Debt Management and Monetary Policy Under Fiscal Dominance and Financial Instability


WP2: Principles and Trade-Offs When Making Issuance Choices in the UK


WP1: Regulatory Reform of OTC Derivatives and its Implications for Sovereign Debt Management Practices



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