

  • 25-April-2024


    Improving public sector capacity-strengthening support for small island developing states

    Given the fast pace of global socio-economic development, more tailored, focused, and localised efforts to strengthen public sector capacity in small island developing states (SIDS) is increasingly important. SIDS have unique vulnerabilities, rich histories and contexts, and strengths that can be harnessed for sustainable development. Development partners need to adapt how they provide capacity-strengthening support, taking individual SIDS’ circumstances and needs into account to better help them achieve their ambitions. This report summarises perspectives from small island developing states (SIDS) on current experiences and opportunities to improve capacity-strengthening support to make it more tailored, impactful, and sustainable. The report uses the broad definition of capacity-strengthening as activities that improve the competencies and abilities of individuals, organisations, and broader formal and informal social structures in a way that boosts organisational performance. It concentrates on public sector capacity, including interactions with other stakeholders across sectors.
  • 9-April-2024


    Compendium of Good Practices on Quality Infrastructure 2024 - Building Resilience to Natural Disasters

    In an era defined by the urgent climate crisis, unpredictable weather patterns and increasingly frequent natural disasters, ensuring infrastructure resilience to such events is paramount. This report discusses ways of enhancing government capacities to prevent, react and rebuild, thereby minimising the impact of natural disasters on infrastructure assets and operations. It identifies data, collaboration and technologies as drivers of resilience, and highlights financial resources, technical skills and regulatory frameworks as key enablers. The report presents seven actionable principles to ensure infrastructure resilience, drawing from global good practices and in-depth analyses of infrastructure projects in Colombia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mozambique and the United States.
  • 20-décembre-2023


    Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : États-Unis 2023 (version abrégée)

    Première économie mondiale, les États-Unis ont progressé dans la réduction de plusieurs pressions environnementales tout en conservant l’un des produits intérieurs bruts par habitant les plus élevés au monde. Les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et de polluants atmosphériques, les prélèvements d’eau et la consommation intérieure de matières y ont été découplés de la croissance économique et démographique. Les niveaux de consommation élevés, les pratiques agricoles intensives, le changement climatique et l’étalement urbain continuent toutefois d’exercer des pressions sur le milieu naturel. Malgré l’accélération récente de l’action publique face au changement climatique, des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour atteindre l’objectif de neutralité en gaz à effet de serre d’ici à 2050. Par ailleurs, les États-Unis figurent parmi les principaux producteurs de déchets marins, lesquels ont de graves conséquences pour les populations et l’environnement. Le présent rapport contient 30 recommandations visant à aider les États-Unis à améliorer leurs performances environnementales, et accorde une attention particulière à l’enjeu des déchets marins et à la problématique transversale de la justice environnementale. Troisième Examen environnemental consacré aux États‑Unis, il propose une évaluation indépendante, fondée sur des données factuelles, des performances environnementales du pays au cours de la dernière décennie. La présente version abrégée contient le résumé, de même que l’évaluation et les recommandations officielles du rapport. Le rapport complet est disponible en anglais sur le site Internet de l’OCDE.
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  • 5-June-2023


    The adoption of innovation in international development organisations - Lessons for development co-operation

    Addressing 21st century development challenges requires investments in innovation, including the use of new approaches and technologies. Currently, many development organisations prioritise investments in isolated innovation pilots that leverage a specific approach or technology rather than pursuing a strategic approach to expand the organisation’s toolbox with innovations that have proven their comparative advantage over what is currently used. This Working Paper addresses this challenge of adopting innovations. How can development organisations institutionalise a new way of working, bringing what was once novel to the core of how business is done? Analysing successful adoption efforts across five DAC agencies, the paper lays out a proposed process for the adoption of innovations. The paper features five case-studies and concludes with a set of lessons and recommendations for policy makers on innovation management generally, and adoption of innovation in particular.
  • 11-novembre-2022


    Examens de l'OCDE sur la coopération pour le développement : États-Unis 2022

    Le Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE mène tous les cinq à six ans un examen par les pairs qui passe en revue les efforts de coopération pour le développement de chacun de ses membres. Ces examens visent à améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité de leur coopération pour le développement, en mettant en évidence les bonnes pratiques et en recommandant des améliorations. Les États-Unis ont endossé un rôle de chef de file en apportant des contributions d’APD substantielles en réaction aux crises multiples. L’aide extérieure est programmée et acheminée par 21 organismes publics américains. USAID intègre systématiquement la collaboration, l’apprentissage et l’adaptation dans les cycles de ses programmes, et elle s’attache à améliorer la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion en se faisant le champion des approches pilotées à l’échelon local. Cet examen par les pairs formule, à l’intention des États-Unis, un ensemble de recommandations visant à atténuer les répercussions négatives transnationales de leurs politiques publiques, à encourager des dotations budgétaires plus flexibles concordant avec les besoins, à adopter une approche plus claire vis-à-vis des partenariats multilatéraux, et à doter leur institution de financement du développement des moyens qui lui permettront de mener à bien sa mission. Il recommande aux États-Unis de placer l’efficacité du développement au cœur de l’adaptation au contexte local, de renforcer les ressources humaines, et de prendre en compte la prévention des conflits dans l’ensemble des programmes par pays.
  • 7-June-2021


    Data for Development Profiles - Official Development Assistance for Data and Statistical Systems

    Sound and timely data and statistics are essential for designing better policies for better lives. When the right data are available and used by policy makers, they play a crucial role in managing crises, as revealed during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are also indispensable for transparent and accountable delivery of policies and services and to guide business and investment decisions in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first 2021 edition of the OECD’s Data for Development Profiles is a unique source of information and insights on how members of the Development Co-operation Committee (DAC) allocate official development assistance (ODA) to statistical capacity development and strengthening data ecosystems in low and middle income countries. By providing a comprehensive overview of members’ data and statistical policy priorities, strategies, funding, delivery modalities and partnerships, the profiles serve as a baseline for co-ordinating international support and highlight ways forward for greater impact and effectiveness.
  • 7-May-2021


    To what extent can blockchain help development co-operation actors meet the 2030 Agenda?

    Blockchain is mainstreaming, but the number of blockchain for development use-cases with proven success beyond the pilot stage remain relatively few. This paper outlines key blockchain concepts and implications in order to help policymakers reach realistic conclusions when considering its use. The paper surveys the broad landscape of blockchain for development to identify where the technology can optimise development impact and minimise harm. It subsequently critically examines four successful applications, including the World Food Programme’s Building Blocks, Oxfam’s UnBlocked Cash project, KfW’s TruBudget and Seso Global. As part of the on-going work co-ordinated by the OECD’s Blockchain Policy Centre, this paper asserts that post-COVID-19, Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donors and their development partners have a unique opportunity to shape blockchain’s implementation.
  • 8-January-2019


    OECD Economic Survey of the United States: Key Research Findings

    This volume collects four studies that were prepared as background research to the 2018 OECD Economic Survey of the United States. Using micro-data survey responses, regional and sectorial data, these studies seek to provide insights into how employment responds to labour market disruption and the drivers of household financial vulnerability in the United States. This volume represents a collaborative effort by a team of OECD and academic researchers.
  • 16-December-2016


    OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: United States 2016

    The OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts periodic reviews of the individual development co-operation efforts of DAC members. The policies and programmes of each member are critically examined approximately once every five years. DAC peer reviews assess the performance of a given member, not just that of its development co-operation agency, and examine both policy and implementation. They take an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities of the member under review.
  • 10-November-2016


    Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in the United States

    The US food and agriculture sector is innovative, competitive and export-oriented. Changes in national and global demand offer further opportunities for US agri-food products, although climate change and other resource constraints could create additional challenges, in particular in some regions. Maintaining high productivity growth, while improving the sustainable use of resources will require further innovation. In a policy environment generally favourable to investment  and innovation, the strong US agricultural innovation system is expected to continue to create innovations that will be widely adopted, to the extent that these can be widely accepted.  
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