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  • 24-April-2023


    Reform Options for Lithuanian Climate Neutrality by 2050

    This report presents policy reform options to support Lithuania in meeting its climate neutrality target. It takes stock of Lithuania’s current and planned climate policies and assesses their potential for meeting the country’s climate ambitions. The report details the results of modelling carried out to assess the effectiveness of different policy scenarios, an analysis of carbon pricing and the role of innovation, an assessment of financial needs in the transition to net zero, and an analysis of the distributional implications of carbon pricing. Bringing together these findings the report offers recommendations for policy reform, highlighting the importance of setting price signals complemented by innovation support, as well as the potential of revenue recycling options in alleviating distributional concerns.
  • 20-March-2023


    The economic consequences of air pollution policies in Arctic Council countries - A sectoral analysis

    This report quantifies the environmental, health and economic consequences of policy action on air pollution in Arctic Council countries, with a focus on sectoral differences. The report takes a modelling approach and compares a baseline scenario that reflects current legislation, with a policy scenario in which the best available techniques to reduce emissions are deployed in all emitting sectors. The report highlights that benefits from air quality improvements can be obtained when considering emission reductions throughout the economy, and not just in the sectors that are targeted more often, such as industry and transport. The results presented in the report also highlight the need for country-specific policy strategies that take into account the current levels of policy stringency, the sectoral contributions to air pollution, and the need for sectoral investment in new technologies, which also vary by country.
  • 9-March-2023


    Environmental Tax Policy Review of Andalusia

    EU Funded Note The Environmental Tax Policy Review of Andalusia provides a detailed review of the environmentally related tax framework in the areas of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, water usage and pollution, and waste and circular economy in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia, Spain. For each thematic area, the study identifies the scope for action at the regional level, assesses how Andalusia’s existing environmentally related taxes align with environmental tax policy principles and provides strategic recommendations to support Andalusia to improve environmental outcomes and enhance national and global environmental performance.
  • 4-mars-2023


    États de fragilité 2022

    La publication de l’édition 2022 du rapport sur l’état de la fragilité intervient alors que le monde est aux prises avec une série de crises – au premier rang desquelles la pandémie de COVID-19, le changement climatique et la guerre d’agression non provoquée, illégale et injustifiée menée par la Russie contre l’Ukraine – qui menacent les perspectives collectives de prospérité et de paix. Le rapport décrit l'état de la fragilité en 2022, analyse les réponses qui lui sont apportées et présente des options pour guider des politiques meilleures pour des vies meilleures dans les contextes fragiles. À mi-parcours de l'Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable, il est plus que jamais essentiel que les partenaires du développement se concentrent sur les personnes laissées de côté : les 1,9 milliard de personnes vivant dans des contextes fragiles qui représentent 24 % de la population mondiale mais 73 % des personnes extrêmement pauvres dans le monde.
  • 10-février-2023


    L’OCDE lance un nouveau forum pour aider à optimiser la réduction des émissions à l’échelle du globe grâce au partage de données, à l’apprentissage mutuel et au dialogue

    Au cours des deux derniers jours, 607 hauts responsables de l’administration et délégués représentant 103 pays et territoires et 9 organisations, dont des organisations internationales, ont examiné les moyens d’augmenter l’effort de réduction des émissions à l’échelle mondiale à l’occasion de la réunion inaugurale du Forum inclusif sur les approches d’atténuation des émissions de carbone (Forum inclusif).

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  • 5-December-2022


    Biodiversity and development finance - Main trends, 2011-20

    This paper provides an overview of the main trends in development finance with biodiversity-related objectives for the period 2011 to 2020, using available OECD statistical data, from various sources. The resources covered are: Official Development Assistance and non-concessional development finance, both bilateral and multilateral, from members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) as well as non-members, including South-South and Triangular Co-operation; private finance mobilised by public interventions; and private philanthropy. In addition, this paper assesses financing provided by bilateral DAC members that are Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, looking at how they fared collectively against the Aichi Target 20 on development finance. The paper was prepared by the DAC ENVIRONET Secretariat, with inputs from the OECD Environment Directorate, and with guidance from a group of DAC members.
  • 15-November-2022


    OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance 2022

    OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance presents indicators on individual regions and cities since the turn of the new millennium. It provides a comprehensive picture of past successes and likely challenges that regions and cities in OECD members and partner countries will face in their efforts to build stronger, more sustainable and more resilient economies. By relying on a combination of traditional and more innovative data sources, OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance describes the evolving nature of spatial disparities within countries from a multidimensional perspective. New topics covered by this edition include the economic impact of recent shocks, such as the pandemic and the energy crisis, housing affordability, climate change and digitalisation.
  • 5-October-2022


    Redesigning Ireland’s Transport for Net Zero - Towards Systems that Work for People and the Planet

    Current mobility patterns in Ireland are incompatible with the country’s target to halve emissions in the transport sector by 2030. While important, electrification and fuel efficiency improvements in vehicles are insufficient to meet Ireland’s ambitious target: large behavioural change in the direction of sustainable modes and travel reductions are needed. Such changes will only be possible if policies can shift Irish transport systems away from car dependency. Building on the OECD process 'Systems Innovation for Net Zero' and extensive consultation with Irish stakeholders, this report assesses the potential of implemented and planned Irish policies to transform car-dependent systems. It identifies transformative policies that can help Ireland transition to sustainable transport systems that work for people and the planet. It also provides recommendations to scale up such transformative policies and refocus the electrification strategy so that it fosters, rather than hinders, transformational change.
  • 19-September-2022


    States of Fragility 2022

    States of Fragility 2022 arrives during an ‘age of crises’, where multiple, concurring crises are disproportionately affecting the 60 fragile contexts identified in this year’s report. Chief among these crises are COVID-19, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and climate change, with the root causes of multidimensional fragility playing a central role in shaping their scale and severity. The report outlines the state of fragility in 2022, reviews current responses to it, and presents options to guide better policies for better lives in fragile contexts. At the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, it is more critical than ever for development partners to focus on the furthest behind: the 1.9 billion people in fragile contexts that account for 24% of the world’s population but 73% of the world’s extreme poor.
  • 29-août-2022


    Le soutien aux combustibles fossiles a presque doublé en 2021, freinant les progrès vers la réalisation des objectifs climatiques internationaux, selon une nouvelle analyse de l’OCDE et de l’AIE

    Les grandes économies ont considérablement renforcé leur soutien à la production et à la consommation de charbon, de pétrole et de gaz naturel, de nombreux pays peinant à trouver un équilibre entre les engagements pris de longue date de supprimer les subventions inefficientes aux combustibles fossiles et les mesures visant à protéger les ménages de la flambée des prix de l’énergie.

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