
Direction de l'Emploi, du travail et des affaires sociales


Cancer Care

Assuring Quality to Improve Survival

More than five million new cases of cancer are diagnosed every year in OECD countries. Mortality rates are declining, but not as fast as for other big killers such as heart disease, and cancer survival rates show almost a four-fold difference across countries. In short, many countries are not doing as well as they could in the fight against cancer. Cancer Care: Assuring Quality to Improve Survival surveys the policy trends in cancer care over recent  years and looks at survival rates to identify the why some countries are doing better than others. It sets out what governments should do to reduce the burden of cancer in their countries. As well as an adequate level of resourcing, a comprehensive national cancer control plan appears critical, emphasising initiatives such as early detection and fast-track treatment pathways. Countries also need better data, particularly for patients’ experiences of care, in order to provide high quality, continuously improving cancer care.

Published on October 30, 2013

In series:OECD Health Policy Studiesview more titles

SUMMARIESavailable in 5 languages

English Cancer Care (Summary in English)
Spanish Cancer Care (Summary in Spanish)
German Cancer Care (Summary in German)
Japanese Cancer Care (Summary in Japanese)
Italian Cancer Care (Summary in Italian)


Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
Cancer care systems: Increasing burdens and existing performance gaps
Resources for cancer care
Cancer care practice
Governance of cancer care systems
Exploratory quantitative analysis
Policy recommendations
List of experts on cancer care systems
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