
Publications & Documents

  • 18-April-2024


    Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results-Based Management for Sustainable Development (Second Edition)

    This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors. This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.
  • 18-April-2024


    Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results-Based Management for Sustainable Development (Second Edition)

    This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors. This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.
  • 17-April-2024


    Development Finance for Climate and Environment

    The OECD DAC measures and monitors development finance targeting climate change objectives using two Rio markers: Climate Change Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation.

    Related Documents
  • 17-April-2024


    Financing sustainable development in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States - A transition finance diagnostic

    This paper gives an overview of all development finance sources available to countries of the Organisation of Eastern-Caribbean States (OECS) for enhancing their economic and climate resilience, and progress towards their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After reviewing political and macroeconomic contexts, it examines some of the specific challenges and opportunities they meet in financing their development, including the mobilisation of private finance and domestic resources; public debt sustainability; and the alignment of official development finance (ODF) with their evolving needs. It stresses the risks of inadequately preparing for the end of eligibility to official development assistance (ODA), when countries reach high-income status while remaining highly vulnerable. Finally, it presents recommendations for the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members to better support and accompany OECS countries as they transition to higher-income status.
  • 11-avril-2024


    Augmentation de l’aide publique au développement en 2023 avec un soutien accru à l’Ukraine et aux besoins humanitaires

    L’aide au développement délivrée par les donateurs officiels en 2023 a atteint un nouveau sommet de 223.7 milliards USD, contre 211 milliards USD enregistrés en 2022, d’après les données préliminaires recueillies par l’OCDE, les pays fournisseurs ayant augmenté les flux d'aide à l'Ukraine et envoyé davantage d'aide humanitaire dans les pays en développement.

    Documents connexes
  • 9-April-2024


    Compendium of Good Practices on Quality Infrastructure 2024 - Building Resilience to Natural Disasters

    In an era defined by the urgent climate crisis, unpredictable weather patterns and increasingly frequent natural disasters, ensuring infrastructure resilience to such events is paramount. This report discusses ways of enhancing government capacities to prevent, react and rebuild, thereby minimising the impact of natural disasters on infrastructure assets and operations. It identifies data, collaboration and technologies as drivers of resilience, and highlights financial resources, technical skills and regulatory frameworks as key enablers. The report presents seven actionable principles to ensure infrastructure resilience, drawing from global good practices and in-depth analyses of infrastructure projects in Colombia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mozambique and the United States.
  • 31-mars-2024


    Un cadre et un financement équitables pour la transition des pays reposant sur les industries extractives (EFFECT)

    Comment les pays en développement producteurs de combustibles fossiles et riches en ressources minérales peuvent-ils concevoir des trajectoires de transition bas carbone qui soient réalistes, équitables et d'un bon rapport coût-efficacité ? Tenant compte de l’hétérogénéité des trajectoires bas carbone, Un cadre et un financement équitables pour la transation des pays reposant sur les industries extractives (ou cadre EFFECT – « Equitable Framework and Finance for Extractive-based Countries in Transition ») propose des pistes d'action pour les autorités publiques, les industries et les institutions financières en quête de solutions. L’objectif de cet outil est de les aider à saisir les opportunités de transformation qu’offre une croissance durable à faible émission de carbone. Il recense les moyens permettant d’atténuer les impacts de la transition sur les industries utilisant des combustibles fossiles, les travailleurs et les ménages défavorisés, ainsi que de prévenir les risques de verrouillage carbone et d’actifs échoués. Reconnaissant la responsabilité partagée des pays producteurs et consommateurs en ce qui concerne la réduction de la production et de la consommation de combustibles fossiles, le cadre EFFECT préconise la création de partenariats porteurs de transformation pour les transferts de technologies, le financement vert et le renforcement des capacités. Enfin, il soutient une répartition équitable des avantages et des coûts de la transition, à la fois entre les différents pays et en leur sein.
  • 23-March-2024


    The role of political will in enabling long-term development approaches to forced displacement

    This paper examines the role of mobilising political will in establishing the conditions necessary for economic and social inclusion of refugees, internally displaced persons, and formerly displaced persons who achieve durable solutions such as voluntary return. It investigates the role and conditions to mobilise political will for more comprehensive and inclusive policies that can lead to long-term local development in contexts of forced displacement in low- and middle-income countries (LICs and MICs). Case studies from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ecuador, Iraq and Lebanon illustrate the ways in which political will, or its absence, can shape the approach to supporting the forcibly displaced and hosting communities. The paper also proposes a conceptual model for mobilising political will to facilitate sustainable development support in contexts of forced displacement.
  • 22-March-2024


    Nature-based solutions for flood management in Asia and the Pacific

    Countries in Asia and the Pacific face a heightened risk of flooding as disasters increase worldwide due to climate change. Yet these countries often lack the infrastructure necessary to prepare for and respond to floods effectively. When flood protection measures exist, they generally rely only on grey, hard-engineered infrastructure, which has been increasingly challenged in recent years. Nature-based solutions (NbS) offer a new approach for flood management, with several co-benefits beyond the reduction of risks. This approach has gained recognition from policy makers in the region, but they are confronted with a number of challenges, including the lack of a clear, common definition and guidelines, as well as financing issues. The growing imperatives of climate adaptation call for complementary, innovative and forward-looking solutions, such as a combined approach incorporating both NbS and grey infrastructure.
  • 19-mars-2024


    Les financements privés mobilisés pour le développement durable

    L'OCDE a développé une norme internationale pour mesurer le volume des financements privés mobilisés pour les objectifs de développement durable (ODD).

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