

OECD Forum on Financing Democracy and Averting Policy Capture



OECD Conference Centre, Paris


3-4 December 2014

Understanding and addressing the role of money and its influence in politics

This meeting addressed the risks associated with the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns. Delegates discussed why existing regulatory models are still insufficient to tackle risks and also the links between money and politics.



  1. Explore effective incentive mechanisms that promote compliance with campaign and party financing regulations

  2. Identify ways to close legislative loopholes and to hinder inventive practices to circumvent regulations

  3. Zoom into the specific connections and effect of political finance on public policies, linking problems to specific solutions

  4. Look into whether and how political finance regulations may have an impact on political participation and unbalanced the playing field among actors

  5. Shape, within a wider good governance agenda, a common understanding of the policy options ahead and assess the validity of key elements of proposed policy framework on financing democracy which supports the OECD Trust Strategy

  6. Mobilise partners to carry forward joint and complementary activities

  7. Explore whether such a forum for learning and discussion should meet at regular intervals (e.g. annually)

‌‌Financing Democracy Forum Agenda Cover 2014



‌ Agenda (261 KB)