

  • 21-octobre-2022


    Italie - Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption

    Cette page contient toutes les informations se rapportant à la mise en oeuvrede la Convention de l’OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption en Italie.

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  • 18-octobre-2022


    Selon le Groupe de travail de l’OCDE sur la corruption, en dépit d’avancées notables, des problèmes préoccupants empêchent l’Italie de progresser davantage en matière de lutte contre la corruption transnationale

    L’Italie a renforcé sa législation relative à la lutte contre la corruption transnationale et affiche un niveau important de répression de cette infraction, dont le rythme s’est accéléré depuis 2011. Toutefois, le taux élevé d’affaires de corruption transnationale classées sans suite met en péril les avancées louables réalisées par ce pays, selon un nouveau rapport du Groupe de travail de l’OCDE sur la corruption.

    Documents connexes
  • 20-September-2013


    OECD Integrity Review of Italy - Reinforcing Public Sector Integrity, Restoring Trust for Sustainable Growth

    In response to the ongoing economic crisis, Italy is undertaking a series of critically important reforms, combining pro-growth policies with severe austerity measures to achieve fiscal consolidation. The success of these structural reforms will rely heavily on the capacity of the government to restore trust in its ability and commitment to guide the country towards sustainable economic growth. At the time of this publication, however, less than a quarter of Italian citizens trusted the quality of government decision-making. Concerns over public integrity and corruption stand out as key elements underlying this prevailing lack of trust. To restore the deficit of trust in the Italian government, the public sector needs to be embedded within a comprehensive integrity framework. Law 190 of November 6, 2012 (the Anti-Corruption Law) enshrines public sector integrity management and strengthens existing corruption prevention provisions through the designation of a new anti-corruption authority, a detailed framework for the adoption of a national anti-corruption plan, and new provisions regarding the conduct and prevention of conflict of interests in the public sector. This OECD Integrity Review provides guidance on the implementation of key integrity and corruption prevention elements of the Law, most notably those concerning institutional coordination, the regulation of conduct and whistleblower protection, and management of integrity risks in public sector activities. The review concludes each chapter with proposals for action, with OECD member countries’ best practices in mind, with the ultimate goal of supporting Italy in its efforts to enhance integrity in the public sector and restore trust.
  • 27-mars-2007

    Français, , 505kb

    Italie : Rapport de suivi de la Phase 2

    Rapport de suivi sur la mise en oeuvre par l'Italie des recommandations au titre de la Phase 2 sur l'application de la Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption et de la Recommandation révisée de 1997. Traduction non vérifiée