
Évaluation des programmes de développement

Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management


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ISBN: 9264085270
Publication date: May 2002

The glossary of key terms in evaluation and results-based management should facilitate and improve dialogue and understanding among all those who are involved in development activities and their evaluation, whether in partner countries, development agencies and banks, or non-governmental organisations. It should serve as a valuable reference guide in evaluation training and in practical development work.


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Evaluation is a field where development partners - often with widely differing linguistic backgrounds - work together and need to use a common vocabulary. Over the years, however, definitions evolved in such a way that they bristled with faux amis, ambivalence and ambiguity. It had become urgent to clarify and refine the language employed and to give it a harmonious, common basis.


 Reference material


For more information on this publication and on the work of the DAC Network on Development Evaluation, visit

 Related websites


DAC Network on Development Evaluation,


 How to obtain this publication


In this new version, only the cover and design have changed; no changes have been made to the content.


The original version (2002, ISBN 9789264034921) remains available via the OECD iLibrary at: or via the OECD Bookshop at