
  • 20-December-2021


    Promoting high-quality broadband networks in G20 countries

    Connectivity is an essential pillar of ensuring an inclusive digital transformation. The COVID-19 health emergency has further accentuated the awareness of how the quality, capability and resilience of broadband networks are becoming even more critical to ensure an inclusive society as more and more activities, such as work and education, are conducted in a remote manner. Therefore, policies aiming to expand connectivity and increase its quality are of paramount importance. Furthermore, analysing the performance of networks is crucial to inform policy makers and regulators to identify quality gaps and design the right policies and regulation towards closing those gaps. This report focuses on the state of broadband speed quality across the G20 and how to upgrade the speeds of networks further to spur economic recovery. It identifies existing gaps and puts forward policies and regulation towards extending high-quality networks and upgrading the quality of networks.
  • 20-December-2021


    Bridging digital divides in G20 countries

    Reliable and high-quality connectivity is fundamental for the digital transformation. Furthermore, the COVID-19 health emergency has shown that access to high-quality broadband services at affordable prices, across different territories is essential to ensure that economic and social activities can continue in an increasingly remote manner. However, important disparities in terms of connectivity persist in G20 countries and especially within countries between different types of regions. Overcoming the territorial divide is essential to ensure that no region and its inhabitants are left behind, regardless of where they live. This report offers a roadmap to policy makers to reduce the digital divides experienced by people living in different places within countries. While this is a key policy goal, the reduction of regional disparities needs to be accompanied with sufficiently high levels of broadband speeds across regions for people to be able to fully benefit from the economic opportunities and services brought about by digitalization.
  • 20-December-2021


    Unlocking infrastructure investment - Innovative funding and financing in regions and cities

    This report provides an overview of funding and financing instruments available to support infrastructure investment in cities and regions. Subnational governments have a critical role to deliver, operate and maintain infrastructure, and to invest to help drive the recovery from COVID-19. In recent years, many subnational governments have introduced innovations in the types of instruments used to access funding and financing. Highlighting examples from G20, OECD and non-OECD countries, this report presents a framework to differentiate funding and financing instruments, including by type of instrument, and their use, and outlines essential framework conditions that are needed to support subnational governments, The report was submitted to the G20 Infrastructure Working Group under the Italian Presidency and key findings were presented at the G20 High-level Conference on Local Infrastructure in Genoa, Italy on 27 September 2021.
  • 31-October-2021

    English, PDF, 2,217kb

    OECD Secretary-General Tax Report to G20 Leaders, Italy, October 2021

    This report provides an update on the G20’s international tax agenda, incl. work on addressing the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy; summarises three reports requested under the Italian G20 Presidency on Tax Policy and Climate Change, Developing Countries and BEPS, and Tax and Fiscal Policies after the COVID-19 Crisis; and includes an update on recent developments in tax transparency and the work on BEPS.

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  • 13-October-2021

    English, PDF, 2,884kb

    OECD Secretary-General Tax Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (Italy, October 2021)

    This report provides an update on the G20’s international tax agenda, incl. work on addressing the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy; summarises three reports requested under the Italian G20 Presidency on Tax Policy and Climate Change, Developing Countries and BEPS, and Tax and Fiscal Policies after the COVID-19 Crisis; and includes an update on recent developments in tax transparency and the work on BEPS.

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  • 30-August-2021

    English, PDF, 2,769kb

    G20 report: Building Resilience – New strategies for strengthening infrastructure resilience and maintenance

    This report aims to provide a framework to optimise existing infrastructure assets and build new resilient infrastructure, including new strategies capable of ensuring quality and performance over the asset life-cycle.

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  • 24-August-2021

    English, PDF, 831kb

    G20 Culture note July 2021

    At the request of the 2021 G20 Italian Presidency to support the Culture Working Group, the OECD provided a note setting out actions to help put culture at the heart of a resilient recovery.

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  • 22-July-2021

    English, PDF, 1,625kb

    G20 report: Aligning short-term recovery measures with longer-term climate and environmental objectives

    This report has been prepared in support of the G20 Presidency of Italy and provides guidance to countries in designing green recovery packages, aligning recovery packages with climate objectives, establishing effective evaluation and monitoring frameworks, and strengthening innovation and R&D.

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  • 22-July-2021

    English, PDF, 2,155kb

    G20 report: Towards a more resource-efficient and circular economy - The role of the G20

    This Policy Guidance, prepared by the OECD at the request of the Italian G20 Presidency is intended for G20 Leaders, as well as Economic, Finance and Environment Ministries. Based on insights from across the G20 membership, this report presents possible elements of a common G20 policy vision on resource efficiency and the circular economy for different levels of government.

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  • 15-July-2021

    English, PDF, 2,143kb

    OECD-IEA update on recent progress in reform of inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption 2021

    The OECD and the International Energy Agency traditionally provide update reports to the G20 on progress in phasing out fossil-fuel subsidies. Since the last progress report, several countries have committed publicly to carbon neutrality targets, consistent with the Paris Agreement. However, some have also increased subsidies as part of rescue and recovery packages to the pandemic-induced crisis. Revitalising G20 action ...

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