
  • 28-February-2019

    English, PDF, 1,332kb

    1st EWG Meeting: OECD Presentation: Slowdown of economies and rise of inequalities

    The middle class is larger in higher-income countries, but emerging economies are catching up

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  • 28-February-2019

    English, PDF, 1,141kb

    OECD ILO Presentation on New job Opportunities in an ageing society

    Long-term care services: investment remains low, but is bound to increase over time

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  • 28-February-2019

    English, PDF, 869kb

    OECD: 1st EWG Demographic Change

    A comprehensive approach to tackle challenges of demographic change

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  • 28-February-2019

    English, PDF, 1,236kb

    OECD/FAO Background Notes on Sustainable, Productive and Resilient Agro-Food Systems: Value chains, human capital, and the 2030 Agenda

    Agricultural production more than tripled between 1960 and 2015, owing in part to productivity-enhancing technologies and a significant expansion in the use of land, water and other natural resources for agricultural purposes.

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  • 28-February-2019

    English, PDF, 890kb

    ILO-OECD-G20 - New Job Opportunities in an Ageing Society

    As populations age, the potential supply of labour in the economy relative to this increased demand for long-term care is expected to decline. On average across the G20 economies, there were more than six people of working age (15-64 years) for every person 65 years and older in 2017. This dependency ratio is projected to halve to just three persons by 2050.

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  • 28-February-2019

    English, PDF, 1,147kb

    Adapting to Demographic Change

    This paper provides an overview of the major labour market challenges arising from demographic change. It focuses in particular on the labour market situation of older people in G20 countries, and that of disadvantaged young people who are neither in employment nor in education.

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  • 18-February-2019

    English, PDF, 1,033kb

    OECD G20 Paper - Innovation and the Green Transition

    Innovation – the creation and diffusion of new ideas – is at the heart of the transition to a cleaner global environment. This includes not only technological innovation, but also innovation in economic and social systems and in lifestyles.

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  • 31-January-2019

    English, PDF, 461kb

    OECD Background Study on Quality Infrastructure for Connectivity Enhancement

    Connectivity has become a defining feature of the modern economy and one of the significant trends of the 21st century. This is reflected in the increasing demand for resources to be invested in linking communities, economies and countries.

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  • 31-January-2019

    English, PDF, 788kb

    OECD G20 Paper - Adaptation and resilient infrastructure

    Climate change adaptation is fundamental for building resilient socio-economic and ecological systems. It is an important part of efforts to implement not only the Paris Agreement and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, but also the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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  • 31-January-2019

    English, PDF, 1,160kb

    OECD G20 Paper - Resource Efficiency and Marine Plastics

    Recent decades have seen unprecedented growth in demand for natural resources and the materials derived from them. Around 80 billion tonnes of minerals, fossil fuels, and biomass were fed into the global economy in 2015 and, in the absence of policy action, this will increase with ongoing population growth and improving standards of living.

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