
  • 31-May-2019

    English, PDF, 2,230kb

    OECD Report on the Revised Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements

    The Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements was born with the OECD in 1961 at a time when many OECD countries were in the process of economic recovery and development and when the international movement of capital faced many barriers.

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  • 31-May-2019

    English, PDF, 494kb

    GI Hub/OECD/World Bank Database of Resources and Facilities for Quality Infrastructure Investment

    In 2018, the G20’s Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) identified the key elements for infrastructure growth in the “Roadmap to Infrastructure as an Asset Class”. The Roadmap is organised under three overarching pillars and seven work-streams. Quality Infrastructure is one of the key work-streams identified under the second pillar - improving the investment environment for infrastructure.

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  • 23-April-2019

    English, PDF, 1,029kb

    How do we stop Child labour?

    The OECD works with companies to build their capacity to apply child labour due diligence, for example through our sectoral Forums and in-country technical training.

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  • 23-April-2019

    English, PDF, 1,938kb

    Policy Responses to New Forms of Work in the G20 (2nd Employment Working Group -23 April, 2019)

    Employment status acts as a gateway to worker rights. Ensuring the correct classification of workers (and tackling misclassification) is therefore essential.

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  • 23-April-2019

    English, PDF, 369kb

    Policy Responses to New Forms of Work in the G20 (2nd Employment Working Group -23 April, 2019)

    Recent labour market trends have prompted countries to reflect on whether existing systems of labour market regulation, lifelong learning, social protection, taxation and collective bargaining are still fit for purpose.

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  • 22-April-2019

    English, PDF, 529kb

    Global Supply Chains and RBC in the G20  

    A number of G20 countries have developed programmes or regulation to enable responsible supply chains

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  • 22-April-2019

    English, PDF, 1,240kb

    Women at work in the G20 - 2nd employment working group

    The gender pay gap remains substantial in most G20 economies, with only very modest progress in closing this gap.

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  • 18-April-2019

    English, PDF, 957kb

    G20 Update on recent progress in reform of inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption

    This report discusses recent trends and developments in the reform of inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, within the G20 and beyond. G20 member countries continue their commitment to phase out inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies, as reiterated in the Energy Ministers Communiqué of June 2018, in Argentina.

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  • 29-March-2019

    English, PDF, 4,878kb

    Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in Japan

    The agricultural sector continues to be under pressure to raise its productivity, primarily to improve international competitiveness and thereby contribute to economic growth, in particular in rural areas. At the same time, intensive agricultural production contributes to a high level of environmental pressure.

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  • 28-February-2019

    English, PDF, 1,050kb

    SDG 8.7 Dialogue: EWG Expert Roundtable Event - Combating Child Labour

    Combatting child labour has been a continuing priority for the OECD: 2003 review of policies, Focus in OECD’s Guidelines and guidance on due diligence and RBC in supply chains of multinational enterprises

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