
Kazakhstan working with the OECD

Since 2008, Kazakhstan has emerged as one of the OECD’s most active partners in the Eurasia region, working with the Organisation to improve the quality of its social, economic and environmental policies and institutions. OECD analysis has played an increasingly important role in shaping policies in Kazakhstan. The country also supports OECD work in the wider region, helping its neighbours draw closer to the OECD and sharing its experience with OECD members and partners.

Kazakhstan at a Glance

22/01/2015   Kazakhstan Country Programme
21/11/2018   MoU OECD & Kazakhstan co-operation

Strategic areas of work:

  • competition, state ownership and privatisations
  • competitiveness
  • education and skills
  • fiscal affairs
  • green growth and environment policy
  • health, employment and social inclusion
  • investment and business climate
  • public governance and anti-corruption
  • trade

Participation in OECD Bodies

Kazakhstan participates in the work of many OECD Committees, Working Parties and other bodies, including actively in a dozen of them. For instance, the country has become a Participant in the Competition Committee (2016), the Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy (2016), and the OECD Working Party on State Ownership and Privatisation Practices (2016), and an Associate in the Investment Committee(for the work related to the Declaration). It has also joined the OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit-Shifting (BEPS) Project (2016), an initiative involving over 100 countries in an effort to tackle tax avoidance strategies that exploit gaps and mismatches in tax rules to artificially shift profits to low or no-tax locations.


2017 Kazakhstan became the first country in the region to host the OECD Eurasia Week
2013-present Co-chair of the Revenue Management and Spending workstream of the 
2016-18 Co-chair of the GREEN Action Task Force, currently member of the Bureau
2012-16 Co-chair of the OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme’s Central Asia Initiative 

Participation in OECD activities and projects

The Country Programme & beyond

In January 2015, the OECD and Kazakhstan embarked on a two-year programme of structured co-operation, the OECD Kazakhstan Country Programme, which supported Kazakhstan’s reform efforts across a wide range of policy domains. The Country Programme was extended until the end of 2018. It has provided the framework for carrying out several dozen OECD projects with the country and has provided an opportunity for Kazakhstan to increase its participation in a number of OECD committees and their subsidiary bodies. Kazakhstan has also adhered to a growing number of OECD instruments under the Programme. The new agreement, which runs until end-2022, provides a framework for further co-operation and reflects the commitment of both the OECD and Kazakhstan to build on the success of the Country Programme.

Contact us

Mr. Gregory Lecomte
Country Manager for Kazakhstan

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