
OECD & Eurasia

In recent years, all 13 Eurasian countries (Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan) have intensified their participation in OECD committees and working groups, peer reviews and studies. The region has increasingly contributed to statistical data collection and international benchmarking exercises such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Investment Policy Reviews and have adhered to international standards and norms developed by the OECD. The OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme aims to further deepen the Organisation's engagement with the region.

The co-operation between the OECD and Eurasia covers the following areas:


OECD Initiatives:

Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are active members of the OECD Seed Schemes, which promote the use of agriculture seeds of consistently high quality.


OECD Publications:

  • Both Kazakhstan and Ukraine are included in the OECD’s annual Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation report, which estimates support to agriculture and evaluates the related impacts.
  • The OECD and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) annually publish a joint Agricultural Outlook, which examines the medium-term outlook for global agricultural commodity markets.
  • Monitoring the Development of Agricultural Co-operatives in Kazakhstan (2019) English | Russian

Agriculture data

Education and Skills

Education data

OECD Initiatives: 

OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)

OECD Publications: 

Entrepreneurship and Competition

OECD Initiatives:

  • OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme assisting the 13 Eurasia countries in the design and implementation of policies to improve their business climates.
  • OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Roundtable providing a platform for peer review and knowledge sharing on the implementation of reforms to strengthen competitiveness in the Eurasia countries.
  • OECD-GVH Regional Centre for Competition in Budapest (RCC), a joint initiative of the OECD and the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH), working with Eurasia countries to disseminate best practices in competition law and policy, and to facilitate networking and international co-operation among the beneficiary countries.
  • OECD Global Forum on Competition annually providing a forum for high-level competition authorities to discuss the benefits of well-designed competition law, effective enforcement and competition-based economic reform to promote growth and employment.

OECD Publications:

Fiscal Policy

OECD Initiatives:

OECD data

Green Growth and Sustainable Development

OECD Initiatives:


OECD Innovation Policy Reviews offer a comprehensive assessment of the innovation systems of individual OECD member and partner countries, focusing on the role of government. They provide concrete recommendations on how to improve policies which affect innovation performance, including research and development policies.


OECD Initiatives:

  • OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN), a strong programme making a measurable impact on anti-corruption policies and practices in countries of the region. 
  • Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan is a sub-regional peer review programme of the ACN that supports anti-corruption reforms through country reviews and continuous monitoring of implementation of recommendations. Participating countries include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
  • Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Network provides a framework for investigators and prosecutors to learn about modern investigative techniques, improve their capacity to deal with corruption cases and strengthen enforcement of anti-corruption legislation.
  • ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific provides a forum through which peers from the region meet regularly to discuss shared integrity challenges and ways to address them. The Initiative also runs a Law-Enforcement Network, similar to that of the ACN.



OECD Publications:

  • Fighting Corruption in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (4th round of monitoring of the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan):

Armenia (2018)
Azerbaijan (2016)
Georgia (2016)
Kazakhstan (2017)
Kyrgyzstan (2018)
Mongolia (2019)
Tajikistan (2018)
Ukraine (2018) 
Uzbekistan (2019) 

Investment and Economic Development

OECD Initiatives: 

  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises aim to maximise the contribution that investment by multinational enterprises can make to sustainable development and enduring social progress.
  • OECD Responsible Business Conduct works to improve the business climate and enhance the investment policy framework in Eurasia. 
  • OECD Development Centre through its Multi-dimensional Country Reviews helps countries in Eurasia formulate development strategies and support the policy reforms needed to achieve further sustainable and inclusive development. 
  •  offers an intergovernmental platform for peer learning and knowledge sharing, where OECD and non-OECD countries, in consultation with extractive industries and civil societies, craft innovative and collaborative solutions for resource-based development.

Public Governance

OECD Initiatives:

Social Development

OECD Initiatives: 


OECD Initiatives: 

  • The OECD Steel Committee provides a unique forum for governments to come together to address the evolving challenges facing the steel industry and identify political solutions to encourage open and transparent markets for steel.


OECD Publications: 

  • Enhancing Connectivity and Freight in Central Asia  (2019) English | Russian provides analysis and recommendations to empower governments to meet their connectivity challenges and enable them to access and make the most of inter- and intra-regional markets.

OECD Data: 

  • Eleven Eurasia countries are covered by the OECD’s Trade Facilitation Indicators (TFIs), which help governments improve border procedures, reduce trade costs, boost trade flows, and ultimately reap greater benefits from international trade
  • Many Eurasia countries also provide data for the OECD Inventory of Export Restrictions on Raw Materials, which reports export taxes, prohibitions, licensing requirements and other measures by which governments regulate the export of industrial raw materials including minerals, metals and wood.
