
  • 31-August-2011

    French, , 633kb

    Évaluation partenariale des projets d’appui à la gestion des parcs nationaux au Maroc

    Les cinq projets étudiés sont sensiblement différents, autant dans leur montage que dans leur mise en oeuvre, ce qui ne facilite pas leur suivi au niveau central, ni leur coordination. La présentation descriptive des projets a été handicapée par l’absence d’indicateurs communs au niveau national

  • 30-June-2011

    English, , 1,806kb

    The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor

    The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor is a land-use planning system that spans Central America and the five southern-most states of Mexico. It promotes the conservation and sustainable use of the region’s natural resources.

  • 8-March-2011

    English, , 1,850kb

    Real-time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative - Country Report: DRC

    This evaluation addresses Norway's contribution in the Democratic Republic of Congo to the development of an international regime to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation.

    Related Documents
  • 8-March-2011

    English, , 1,384kb

    Real-time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative

    This report is an output of a real-time evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), assessing the contribution to the development of an international regime to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation.

    Related Documents
  • 8-March-2011

    English, , 938kb

    Real-time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative - Country Report: Brazil

    This evaluation addresses Norway's contribution in Brazil to the development of an international regime to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation.

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  • 21-December-2010

    French, , 7,819kb

    La coopération française dans le secteur forestier du Bassin du Congo: 1990-2010

    Une étude de capitalisation sur l’intervention de l’Agence dans le secteur forestier du Bassin du Congo fut lancée en mai 2010. Réalisée par des consultants extérieurs, l’étude est programmée pour une durée d’un an. Cette note de cadrage a été jointe aux termes de référence.

  • 14-December-2010

    English, , 6,559kb

  • 12-May-2010

    Finnish, , 4,496kb

    Evaluointiraportti 2010:5/III: Forestry sector. Preliminary Study

    Forestry sector is one of the major development cooperation sectors of Finland. The global significance of forests and support to this sector has increased markedly with the growing knowledge and awareness of the climate change and its impact on economic and social development.

  • 15-May-2003

    English, , 875kb

    Institutional Perspectives on the Road and Forestry Sectors in Laos, Institutional Development and Sida Support in the 1990s

    The present study reviews the road and forestry sectors in Laos and Swedish support to these sectors during the 1990s from an institutional development perspective. It finds that, so far, transition of the institutional set-up of Laos has been unable to come to grips with the fundamental problems facing the two sectors. Swedish support for institutional development, which has aimed at building modern forest and road authorities

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