
  • 12-August-2014

    English, PDF, 1,693kb

    Impact Measuring the Quest of the Grail? Ex Post Impact Evaluation of Four Bilateral Cooperation Projects

    This first pilot evaluation objective was both to report on the outcomes and the impact of four governmental projects and to learn from experience with a view to improving Belgian cooperation practices in the field of impact evaluation. The evaluation concludes to the relevance of combining qualitative and quantitative methods in the same evaluation process.

  • 24-April-2014

    English, PDF, 5,847kb

    Ex-post Evaluation Report on the Project of Establishing Greenhouse for Vegetable Cultivation, Mongolia

    This evaluation tries to figure out whether the project supporting greenhouse installations had established an operational model to make commercial greenhouses successful, contributed in creating a wide range of data for greenhouse cultivation research, and to enforced in analysing whether or not education and expansion effects.

  • 7-January-2014

    English, PDF, 1,652kb

  • 7-January-2014

    English, PDF, 1,037kb

    Thematic Global Evaluation of European Commission Support to Agricultural Commodities in ACP Countries Volume 2: Annexes 6 to 9

    This evaluation covers European Commission support to agricultural commodities in all Africa Caribbean and Pacific countries over the period 2000-2009 in the context of the policies and approaches laid down in two Communications that set out the European Union’s Action Plan for addressing agricultural commodity chains, dependence and poverty.

    Related Documents
  • 7-January-2014

    English, PDF, 4,258kb

    Thematic Global Evaluation of European Commission Support to Agricultural Commodities in ACP Countries Volume 2: Annex 5

    This evaluation covers European Commission support to agricultural commodities in all Africa Caribbean and Pacific countries over the period 2000-2009 in the context of the policies and approaches laid down in two Communications that set out the European Union’s Action Plan for addressing agricultural commodity chains, dependence and poverty.

    Related Documents
  • 7-January-2014

    English, PDF, 6,515kb

    Thematic Global Evaluation of European Commission Support to Agricultural Commodities in ACP Countries Volume 2: Annex 4

    This evaluation covers European Commission support to agricultural commodities in all Africa Caribbean and Pacific countries over the period 2000-2009 in the context of the policies and approaches laid down in two Communications that set out the European Union’s Action Plan for addressing agricultural commodity chains, dependence and poverty.

    Related Documents
  • 7-January-2014

    English, PDF, 888kb

    Thematic Global Evaluation of European Commission Support to Agricultural Commodities in ACP Countries Volume 2: Annexes 1 to 3

    This evaluation covers European Commission support to agricultural commodities in all Africa Caribbean and Pacific countries over the period 2000-2009 in the context of the policies and approaches laid down in two Communications that set out the European Union’s Action Plan for addressing agricultural commodity chains, dependence and poverty.

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  • 8-November-2013

    English, PDF, 907kb

    Papua New Guinea: Smallholder Support Services Pilot Project

    This performance evaluation report assesses the performance and impact of the project and generates a series of findings, lessons and recommendations to contribute in the future design and implementation of similar ADB projects.

  • 30-August-2013

    English, PDF, 1,302kb

    Evaluation of DANIDA supported research on agriculture and natural resource management 2006-2011.

    The Evaluation was implemented to assess document and explain the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency and where possible sustainability and impact of Danish support to development research within the thematic areas of agriculture and natural resource management and to provide lessons learned and recommendations on how to improve support to development research.

  • 1-July-2013

    English, PDF, 1,929kb

    Agricultural Water Management: An Evaluation of the African Development Bank’s Assistance in Ghana and Mali, 1990-2010

    The objective of the evaluation was to evaluate past experiences, draw lessons, and formulate recommendations to inform and guide the Bank‘s future investments in this sub-sector; as well as to provide timely insight into specific issues relevant to the Bank‘s renewed focus on agricultural water in Africa.

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