
Lunch options at the OECD and nearby



Venues and opening hours:

BaxterStorey provides catering services in La Muette Monday to Friday in three different venues: 

  • The Buffet du Parc is open from 12:00 to 14:00, offering seasonal lunch menus with locally sourced and organic produce, including vegetarian options.
  • The Benugo cafeteria (also known as the Red Chairs café) is open from 08:00 to 17:00, offering a range of breakfast, lunch, and snacks options as well as a variety of hot and cold beverages.
  • The Conference Centre café features Benugo café and is open from 08:30 to 16:00. A selection of hot and cold beverages, breakfast, takeaway lunch options, and snacks are on offer.

You can use the following methods of payment, to facilitate your purchases:

  • Debit and credit card; and
  • Cash.

Restaurants near La Muette OECD site:

As an alternative option, you can also access a list of restaurants and bakeries located within a 10-minute walking distance of the site.

List of eateries near La Muette site



On-site “click-and-collect” food service by Refectory:

Refectory offers a range of hot and cold meals, freshly prepared, in a range of cuisines. If you would like to arrange lunch at the OECD, please pre-order through Refectory’s app (Apple Store for iOS or Google Play for Android) or website ahead of your visit, until 10.30 a.m. on the day of delivery.

Please select “OECD Boulogne Building: Quai Alphonse le Gallo, Boulogne-Billancourt” as your delivery address. All click-and-collect orders are delivered to and collected from the designated canteen area in the Boulogne Building.

For those who are unable to pre-order a meal from Refectory, there are a limited number of meals available for purchase in the canteen.


Restaurants near the OECD site in Boulogne: 

As an alternative option, you can also access a list of restaurants and bakeries located within a 10-minute walking distance of the site.

List of eateries near the Boulogne site




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