Michael Gibbons, Secretary General, Association of Commonwealth Universities


* Dean of graduate school and director, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex 1992-96
* Special adviser: House of Commons Science and Technology Committee since  1993
* Consultant to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  (OECD) (committee of science and technology policy) since 1979
* Director: Thomas More Institute for Higher Education, Montreal since 1979
* Member of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1997-2001; Member of ESRC Research Priorities Board 1994-2001 (Chair 1997-2001)
* Editorial board: Prometheus since 1992
* Peer review panel: National Centres of Excellence Programme, Science and  Engineering Research Council (Ottawa) since 1990
* Editorial board: Technovation (technical innovation and entreprenuership) since  1984
* Director of research exploitation and development, vice-chancellor’s office,  University of Manchester 1984-92
* Deputy chairman: Careers and appointments board (University of Manchester  Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST)) 1983-91
* Chairman: Marinetech North West 1981-91
* Chairman and founding director: Policy Research in Engineering, Science and  Technology (PREST) 1979-92
* Director: pollution research unit (run jointly with UMIST) 1979-86
* Lecturer: senior lecturer and professor, department of science and technology  policy 1967-92

Visiting professor at:
* University of California , Berkeley 1992
* Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris) 1990
* Université de Montréal 1977-81 and 1976 (Roger Gaudry chair)
* Trustee: Museum of Science and Industry (Manchester) 1991-93
* Chairman: International study group on the future of the University, Swedish  Council for Research and Planning 1990-94

Special(ist) adviser to:
Assessment of research and technology, Cabinet Office 1987-88;    Committee on science, education & culture, Council of Europe 1980-92;   House of Commons Select Committee on Science &Technology 1975-77.

Editorial Adviser: Social Studies of Science 1979-86

Director of: several private companies; member of numerous committees  (established by government departments/research councils, etc) on research,  science and technology.

Education and qualifications:
* Concordia University (BSc in mathematics and physics (Lt. Governor’s silver medal))
* McGill University (BEng in electrical engineering)
* Queen’s University at Kingston (MSc in radio astronomy)
* University of Manchester (PhD in theoretical physics).

‘Re-Thinking Science: knowledge and the public in an age of uncertainty’ (jointly) 2001
‘The New Production of Knowledge: the dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies’ (jointly) 1994
‘The Evaluation of Research: A Synthesis of Current Practice’ (with L Georghiou) 1987
‘Post-Innovation Performance: technological Development and Competition’ (jointly) 1986
‘New Forms of Communication and Collaboration between Universities and Industry’ (with S. Blume and G. Ferné) 1985
‘Science as a Commodity: Threats to the Open Community of Scholars’ (co-ed. with Bjorn Witrock) 1984
‘Science and Technology Policy for the 1980s and beyond’ (co-ed. with P. Gummett) 1984
Co-author/editor of five other books; more than 80 articles in national and international journals, with an emphasis on science and technology policy.



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