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  • 4-mars-2023


    États de fragilité 2022

    La publication de l’édition 2022 du rapport sur l’état de la fragilité intervient alors que le monde est aux prises avec une série de crises – au premier rang desquelles la pandémie de COVID-19, le changement climatique et la guerre d’agression non provoquée, illégale et injustifiée menée par la Russie contre l’Ukraine – qui menacent les perspectives collectives de prospérité et de paix. Le rapport décrit l'état de la fragilité en 2022, analyse les réponses qui lui sont apportées et présente des options pour guider des politiques meilleures pour des vies meilleures dans les contextes fragiles. À mi-parcours de l'Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable, il est plus que jamais essentiel que les partenaires du développement se concentrent sur les personnes laissées de côté : les 1,9 milliard de personnes vivant dans des contextes fragiles qui représentent 24 % de la population mondiale mais 73 % des personnes extrêmement pauvres dans le monde.
  • 2-décembre-2022


    Les autorités régionales et municipales sont essentielles à la résilience de l’Ukraine

    Selon un nouveau rapport de l’OCDE, la contribution des autorités locales et régionales a été un facteur clé de la résilience sociétale de l’Ukraine face à la guerre d’agression menée par la Russie.

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  • 15-November-2022


    OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance 2022

    OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance presents indicators on individual regions and cities since the turn of the new millennium. It provides a comprehensive picture of past successes and likely challenges that regions and cities in OECD members and partner countries will face in their efforts to build stronger, more sustainable and more resilient economies. By relying on a combination of traditional and more innovative data sources, OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance describes the evolving nature of spatial disparities within countries from a multidimensional perspective. New topics covered by this edition include the economic impact of recent shocks, such as the pandemic and the energy crisis, housing affordability, climate change and digitalisation.
  • 19-September-2022


    States of Fragility 2022

    States of Fragility 2022 arrives during an ‘age of crises’, where multiple, concurring crises are disproportionately affecting the 60 fragile contexts identified in this year’s report. Chief among these crises are COVID-19, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and climate change, with the root causes of multidimensional fragility playing a central role in shaping their scale and severity. The report outlines the state of fragility in 2022, reviews current responses to it, and presents options to guide better policies for better lives in fragile contexts. At the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, it is more critical than ever for development partners to focus on the furthest behind: the 1.9 billion people in fragile contexts that account for 24% of the world’s population but 73% of the world’s extreme poor.
  • 7-September-2022


    OECD Champion Mayors Initiative: New Chair Mayor of Reykjavik brings a fresh impetus for inclusive growth in cities

    Dagur Eggertsson, Mayor of Reykjavik (Iceland) will launch his Chairmanship of the OECD Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth Initiative with a visit to Paris on 8- 9 September. He will use the visit as an opportunity to present his vision and priorities for the future of the Initiative.

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  • 12-January-2022


    Strengthening FDI and SME Linkages in Portugal

    This report assesses the enabling conditions for maximising the benefits of foreign direct investment (FDI) on SME productivity and innovation in Portugal. It looks at the quality of investment that Portugal attracts and the capacity of Portuguese SMEs to benefit from any knowledge and technology spillovers resulting from these investments. It studies the extent to which FDI-SME spillovers occur through value chain linkages, strategic partnerships, labour mobility, competition and imitation effects. The report provides an overview of Portuguese public institutions responsible for investment, SMEs, innovation and regional development policies, taking a close look at arrangements to ensure multi-level policy coordination, stakeholder consultation and evaluation of policy impacts. It then reviews the mix of government policies that are currently in place to support FDI-SME linkages and spillovers, noting areas for further policy reforms. The last chapter introduces a regional lens, focusing in particular on the regions of Norte and Alentejo. This report is part of a broader European Commission-OECD programme on strengthening FDI-SME linkages and serves as a pilot for future country assessments.
  • 30-June-2021


    Better Governance, Planning and Services in Local Self-Governments in Poland

    This report provides an assessment of public governance and territorial development in Polish local self-government units (LSGUs). It offers key recommendations to governments at the national, regional and local levels in Poland on how to enhance development, improve service delivery and strengthen management processes within LSGUs. It addresses eight key thematic areas, including strategic planning, co-ordination across administrative units and policy sectors, multi-level governance and investment capacity, the use of monitoring and evaluation evidence for decision-making, budgeting, strategic workforce management, open government, and regulatory policy to reduce administrative burden and simplify public procurement. The report proposes a classification of LSGUs in Poland based on OECD typology, in order to reflect the economic functionality of specific regions/territories as a means to help LSGUs design more effective local development policies. A self-assessment tool for LSGUs in Poland complements the report and provides key indicators that allow counties and municipalities to assess their main strengths and weaknesses on public governance and local development practices, plan how to better serve citizens, enhance local sustainable development and engage with stakeholders to build a collective vision and plan of action.
  • 22-juin-2021


    Le soutien public à l’agriculture contribue peu à l’innovation, mais beaucoup aux distorsions

    Le soutien public à l’agriculture a continué d’augmenter ces dernières années dans le monde, mais il ne permet souvent pas d’atteindre les objectifs déclarés que sont l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire, des moyens de subsistance et de la durabilité environnementale, comme le montre l’OCDE dans un nouveau rapport.

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  • 14-juin-2021


    Relever les défis complexes liés à la politique du logement devrait être une priorité absolue pour tous les gouvernements

    Pouvoir disposer d'un logement abordable et de qualité est indispensable pour la santé, l'accès à l’emploi et la satisfaction à l’égard de l’existence, mais le logement est l'un des enjeux de l’action publique parmi les plus complexes auxquels nos sociétés sont aujourd'hui confrontées.

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  • 1-March-2021


    Multi-level Governance Country/Region Reviews

    Multi-level Governance Country/Region Reviews

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