
Publications & Documents

  • 4-October-2021


    Education-occupation mismatch in the context of informality and development

    Using household data from 15 countries in Latin America and Africa, this paper explores linkages between informality and education-occupation matching. The paper applies a unified methodology to measuring education-occupation mismatches and informality, consistently with the international labour and statistical standards in this area. The results suggest that in the majority of low- and middle-income developing countries with available data, workers in informal jobs have higher odds of being undereducated as compared to workers in formal jobs. Workers in formal jobs, in contrast, have higher chances of being overeducated. These results are consistent for dependent as well as for independent workers. They also hold for men and for women according to the gender-disaggregated analysis. Moreover, in the majority of countries considered in this paper, the matching-informality nexus is also related to the extent of informality in a given area: in labour markets with higher informality, informal workers in particular have a higher chance of being undereducated. The paper discusses policy implications of these findings.
  • 22-September-2021


    Regulatory Governance in the Pesticide Sector in Mexico

    A clear, efficient, and modern regulatory framework for pesticides is essential for addressing their impacts on human health and the environment, supporting a life-cycle approach to their management, and ensuring crop protection and a sustainable agricultural industry. This report identifies the gaps, barriers, implementation flaws and inefficiencies that affect the regulatory framework of pesticides in Mexico. It takes stock of the regulatory framework and recent reforms, and identifies both the areas that pose the greatest challenge for the effective regulation of pesticides and those where regulation – or lack of it – in pesticides most affects policy objectives and economic activity. These challenges and practices are assessed in view of OECD principles and country experiences, and recommendations are provided to support better regulation efforts. The report finds that Mexico would benefit from adopting a comprehensive, mutually-agreed policy strategy for pesticides, recognising that pesticide management is a shared responsibility across national and local governments, the pesticide industry, pesticide users, as well as the general public.
  • 8-July-2021


    Public Procurement in the State of Mexico - Enhancing Efficiency and Competition

    This review analyses the public procurement system, processes and tools applied in the State of Mexico, the biggest federal entity in the country in terms of population. It assesses the extent of centralisation of the procurement function, its implications and areas of opportunity to reap the benefits of such strategy. By analysing the degree of competition in public tenders, the review provides alternatives to increase competitive pressures to maximise efficiency and value-for-money. Likewise, it evaluates the e-procurement platform COMPRAMEX and its potential to incorporate new transactional functions. Finally, the review assesses measures implemented to advance integrity in public procurement and the professionalisation of the procurement workforce. It provides concrete proposals addressing every aspect of the procurement lifecycle, from planning and market consultations to contract management.
  • 8-July-2021


    OECD Integrity Review of the State of Mexico - Enabling a Culture of Integrity

    This review analyses the Anti-corruption Policy of the State of Mexico and Municipalities, highlighting its strengths (i.e. inclusion and rigour) as well as the need to include specific integrity risks (i.e. policy capture) to make it more comprehensive. The review analyses how the State Government could develop ownership of ethical rules and values to effectively influence public officials’ behaviour. It also assesses the internal control and risk management scheme of the State of Mexico, providing an overview of its good practices and weak points. Finally, it examines the role of the administrative liability regime for state public officials and its effectiveness in ensuring accountability. It describes the legal framework for administrative responsibilities, which provides a comprehensive and solid foundation for enforcing integrity rules and standards, but requires support to improve implementation.
  • 7-July-2021


    OECD Employment Outlook 2021: How does your country compare?

    In some countries, employers used job retention programmes to cut hours while allowing workers to keep their pay and jobs; there, it is likely that the full impact of the pandemic is yet to be felt. In other countries, there have been unprecedented increases in unemployment, but many workers will return to their jobs (or to new ones) as economies re-open and activity picks up.

    Related Documents
  • 16-June-2021


    OECD Skills Strategy Tlaxcala (Mexico) - Assessment and Recommendations

    Skills are the key to shaping a better future, and central to the capacity of countries and people to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world. Megatrends such as globalisation, technological advances and demographic change, compounded by the effects of the COVID‑19 pandemic, are reshaping work and society, as well as the types of skills most in demand in the labour market. OECD Skills Strategy projects provide a strategic and comprehensive approach to assess countries’ skills challenges and opportunities and help them build more effective skills systems. The OECD works collaboratively with countries to develop policy responses tailored to each country’s specific skills needs. The foundation of this approach is the OECD Skills Strategy Framework, which allows for an exploration of what countries can do better to: 1) develop relevant skills over the life course; 2) use skills effectively in work and in society; and 3) strengthen the governance of the skills system. This report, OECD Skills Strategy Tlaxcala (Mexico): Assessment and Recommendations, identifies opportunities and makes recommendations to strengthen the skills of youth, foster greater participation in adult learning, use people’s skills more effectively to raise productivity, and strengthen the governance of the skills system in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico.
  • 10-juin-2021


    Financer l’extension de l’assurance sociale aux travailleurs de l’économie informelle à l’aide des transferts de fonds

    L'emploi informel, défini par l'absence de protection sociale basée sur l'emploi, constitue la majeure partie de l'emploi dans les pays en développement, et entraîne un niveau de vulnérabilité à la pauvreté et à d'autres risques qui sont supportés par tous ceux qui dépendent des revenus du travail informel. Les résultats de la base de données des Indicateurs clés de l’informalité en fonction des individus et leurs ménages (KIIbIH) montrent qu'un nombre disproportionné de travailleurs de l'économie informelle de la classe moyenne reçoivent des transferts de fonds. Ces résultats confirment que les stratégies de gestion des risques, telles que la migration, jouent un rôle dans la minimisation des risques potentiels du travail informel pour les ménages informels de la classe moyenne qui peuvent ne pas être éligibles à l'aide sociale. Ils suggèrent en outre que les travailleurs informels de classe moyenne peuvent avoir une demande solvable d'assurance sociale, de sorte que, si des régimes d'assurance sociale adaptés aux besoins des travailleurs informels leur étaient accessibles, les transferts de fonds pourraient potentiellement être canalisés pour financer l'extension de l'assurance sociale à l'économie informelle.
  • 19-May-2021

    English, PDF, 276kb

    Preventing Harmful Alcohol Use: Key Findings for Mexico

    Mexico has a relatively low level of alcohol consumption – 5 litres of pure alcohol per capita per year, roughly equivalent to 1 bottle of wine or 1.9 litres of beer per week per person aged 15 and over. In addition, in Mexico, some population groups are at higher risk than others.

  • 19-May-2021

    English, PDF, 199kb

    Prevención del consumo nocivo de alcohol - México

    México tiene un nivel relativamente bajo de consumo de alcohol: 5 litros de alcohol puro per cápita al año, lo que equivale aproximadamente a 1 botella de vino o 1,9 litros de cerveza a la semana por persona de 15 años o más. Además, en México, algunos grupos de población corren más riesgo que otros.

  • 3-mai-2021


    Statistiques trimestrielles de l'OCDE du commerce international - Volume 2020 Issue 3

    Cette source fiable et à jour de statistiques trimestrielles de l'OCDE sur la balance des paiements et le commerce international de marchandises dresse un tableau précis des tendances les plus récentes des structures d’échange des pays membres avec le reste du monde. Les données de balance des paiements sont présentées corrigées des variations saisonnières. Les statistiques de commerce international de marchandises sont ventilées par pays. Les séries présentées couvrent les dix derniers trimestres et les deux dernières années. Cette publication trimestrielle est divisé en trois parties : I. Balance des paiements et commerce international II. Commerce international de marchandises par pay.
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