
Latest Documents

  • 7-December-2023

    English, PDF, 546kb

    MDH - Regional attractiveness new global environment Argentina Chile Colombia

    This synthesis report "Regional attractiveness in the new global environment: Argentina, Chile and Colombia" presents the way in which regions can be integrated into the international arena. More specifically, three main objectives are addressed: attracting investment, talent, and visitors in an inclusive and sustainable way.

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  • 7-December-2023

    Spanish, PDF, 4,889kb

    MDH - Atractivo Regional En El Nuevo Entorno Global: Argentina, Chile Y Colombia

    Este trabajo consta de casos de estudio a nivel subnacional de tres países de América Latina, Argentina, Chile y Colombia. Las regiones cubiertas son: la Provincia de Misiones en Argentina, las regiones de Valparaíso y Magallanes en Chile y la región del Pacífico en Colombia.

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  • 29-novembre-2023


    Les secteurs de la culture et de la création comme levier de développement des régions ultrapériphériques de l'Union européenne

    Ce rapport évalue l'état actuel et le potentiel futur des secteurs de la culture et de la création (SCC) dans les neuf régions ultrapériphériques de l'Union européenne : la Guadeloupe, la Guyane française, la Martinique, Mayotte, la Réunion et Saint-Martin (France) ; les Açores et Madère (Portugal) ; et les îles Canaries (Espagne). Les tendances mondiales, telles que l’augmentation du tourisme culturel, le commerce des biens et services créatifs et les IDE dans les SCC, offrent aux RUP de l’UE d’importantes opportunités de développer leurs secteurs de la culture et de la création, de promouvoir les synergies avec le tourisme et de contribuer à la création d’emplois. En outre, les politiques de SCC peuvent également améliorer le bien-être et la cohésion sociale en préservant et en promouvant le patrimoine culturel local et en encourageant la participation culturelle. Une politique de SCC qui capitalise sur ces tendances mondiales, tout en reconnaissant le contexte spécifique des RUP de l'UE, pourrait contribuer à promouvoir ces domaines et à contribuer au développement local.
  • 13-November-2023


    Production Transformation Policy Review of Egypt - Spotlight on the AfCFTA and Industrialisation

    At a time when global trade is under pressure and countries increasingly turn to regional integration to support their development, this Spotlight is a timely read for policy makers and business leaders in Africa and beyond. It shows how harnessing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) can support industrialisation in Egypt, and more widely in Africa, by tapping the full potential of regional supply chains, including renewable energies, pharmaceuticals, logistics and creative industries. This report builds on and enriches the Production Transformation Policy Review of Egypt: Embracing Change, Achieving Prosperity.
  • 9-November-2023


    Extending social protection to informal economy workers - Lessons from the Key Indicators of Informality based on Individuals and their Household (KIIbIH)

    This paper exploits the information available in the OECD Key Indicators of Informality based on Individuals and their Household (KIIBIH) to shed light on several elements that could help inform national strategies for the extension of social protection to workers in the informal economy. It provides an assessment of current social protection coverage of informal workers throughout a large sample of developing and emerging economies and proposes a statistical framework to examine country-specific data, upon which a strategy for extending social protection to informal workers could be articulated. While the paper does not intend to provide detailed country-level recommendations, it highlights a number of important findings and policy directions as regards the way to extend non-contributory and contributory schemes to informal workers.
  • 31-October-2023


    Revenue Statistics in Africa 2023

    This annual publication compiles comparable tax revenue and non-tax revenue statistics for 33 countries in Africa: Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Chad, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia and Uganda. The report extends the well-established methodology on the classification of public revenues set out in the OECD Interpretative Guide to African countries, thereby enabling comparison of tax levels and tax structures not only across the continent but also with the OECD, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia and the Pacific. Data on African countries presented in this publication are also included in the OECD’s Global Revenue Statistics database, which is a fundamental reference for analysis of domestic resource mobilisation. This edition includes a special feature on the VAT Digital Toolkit for Africa. The publication is jointly undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, the OECD Development Centre, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), with the financial support of the European Union. SPECIAL FEATURE: VAT DIGITAL TOOLKIT FOR AFRICA
  • 27-October-2023


    Refugees and internally displaced persons in development planning - No-one left behind?

    This paper provides a factual baseline of the extent to which refugees and internally displaced persons are included in development planning, specifically in the national development plans and sector plans of low- and middle-income countries; in the international development co-operation strategies of Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members and participants; and in the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks of the UN development system at country level. It contributes to measuring progress towards commitments – under the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and the UN Action Agenda on Internal Displacement – to treat forced displacement also as a development issue. Finally, it formulates policy recommendations to further improve the inclusion of the forcibly displaced in development planning.
  • 20-October-2023

    English, PDF, 1,744kb

    DIT Strategies transformational European development

    The transitions towards a greener and more digital future are reshaping our world across various domains. The green transition to more sustainable production and consumption systems seeks to match economic productivity with a low emissions path.

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  • 20-October-2023

    English, PDF, 1,672kb

    DIT Strategies transformational European development

    The transitions towards a greener and more digital future are reshaping our world across various domains. The green transition to more sustainable production and consumption systems seeks to match economic productivity with a low emissions path.

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  • 13-October-2023


    The G20 initiative for rural youth employment - A better future for rural youth

    Between 2017 and 2022, G20 members invested over USD 20 billion in 671 projects related to rural youth employment in Africa. The G20 Initiative for Rural Youth Employment (RYE), launched in 2017, overachieved the targets set to provide employment-related skills to 5 million youth and create 1.1 million jobs by 2022. The most common types of interventions were those focused on agriculture value chain development, skills training, and the promotion of entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized businesses. The paper assesses the achievements of the G20 Initiative for RYE, analyses different RYE programmes and provides recommendations for future G20 initiatives and RYE programming. Despite great progress, much remains to be done to tackle rural youth employment challenges.
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