
Latest Documents

  • 17-October-2019


    Owners of the World's Listed Companies

    Using firm-level ownership information from the 10 000 largest listed companies in the world, this report provides unique comparative data about who their owners are and how they own. It presents a global overview of ownership of different categories of investors and cross-border ownership as well as the degree of ownership concentration at the company level.

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  • 15-avril-2019


    Gouvernance d’entreprise dans la région MENA - Cadre d’action pour la compétitivité et la croissance

    Un cadre rigoureux de gouvernance d’entreprise est essentiel pour les économies de la région MENA soucieuses de promouvoir la croissance et d’édifier des sociétés prospères. Les Principes de gouvernance d’entreprise du G20 et de l’OCDE et les Lignes directrices de l’OCDE sur la gouvernance des entreprises publiques sont les instruments de référence pour la mise en place d’un tel cadre. Dans cet ouvrage, les auteurs étudient le paysage de la gouvernance d’entreprise dans la région MENA, en répertoriant les problèmes qui se posent et en proposant aux pouvoirs publics des pistes de réforme. Leurs conclusions sont fondées sur une analyse des politiques et pratiques en vigueur dans quatre domaines thématiques : l’accès aux capitaux ; la transparence et la communication d’informations ; la parité femmes-hommes dans les organes de direction des entreprises ; et la gouvernance des entreprises publiques dans la région MENA. Dans l’ensemble, ils concluent que ces économies ont progressé sur la voie du renforcement de leur cadre de gouvernance d’entreprise au cours des dernières années mais que la région peine encore à adopter et à mettre en œuvre, dans ce domaine, des mesures qui soient propices à l’efficience économique, à la croissance durable et à la stabilité financière.
  • 21-March-2019


    A Policy Maker's Guide to Privatisation

    Policy makers and privatisation experts agree that it is critical to 'get privatisation right.' A well-planned and executed transaction, backed by sound rationales, institutional and regulatory arrangements, good governance, and integrity can have consequences on future divestment activity by enhancing investor confidence while gaining the support of stakeholders and the public. Drawing on the internationally agreed OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises and decades’ worth of national experience across both OECD and Partner economies, this Policy Maker’s Guide to Privatisation provides practical advice to newcomers on key stages of the process from inception to post-privatisation. With global privatisation activity trending upwards and expected to rise, this Guide can support policy makers in their decision making process in the years to come.
  • 25-February-2019


    Corporate Bond Markets in a Time of Unconventional Monetary Policy

    25 February 2019 - Corporate bond markets have become an increasingly important source of financing for non-financial companies since the global financial crisis. The total outstanding debt in the form of corporate bonds reached USD 13 trillion as of end-2018. In real terms, this is twice as much as in 2008. This paper documents a number of associated risks and vulnerabilities.

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  • 14-February-2019


    State-Owned Enterprise Reform in the Hydrocarbons Sector in Ukraine

    This Review assesses the implementation of corporate governance reforms in the hydrocarbons sector in Ukraine, using as a benchmark the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of SOEs.

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  • 6-November-2018


    Flexibility and Proportionality in Corporate Governance

    The quality of corporate governance regulations matters. If they are well designed, they can help governments achieve important policy objectives, such as higher levels of investment, increased productivity and better business sector dynamics. But for this to happen, the rules and regulations must be allowed to evolve over time. They must also be able to meet the many different needs of those entrepreneurs, investors and stakeholders who are supposed to implement them. This is why the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance state that policy makers have a responsibility to shape a regulatory framework that can meet the needs of corporations that operate under widely different circumstances. Importantly, this concept of flexibility and proportionality is not about less demanding rules or the acceptance of sub-standard practices. On the contrary, it represents a functional and outcome oriented approach to regulation that facilitates implementation and makes enforcement more effective. This OECD report presents the results of an OECD review on flexibility and proportionality practices in seven different areas of corporate governance regulation. The review covers 39 jurisdictions and six in-depth country case studies.
  • 27-August-2018


    State-Owned Enterprises and Corruption - What Are the Risks and What Can Be Done?

    Corruption is the antithesis of good governance, and it is a direct threat to the purpose of state ownership. This report brings a comprehensive set of facts and figures to the discussion about the corruption risks facing state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and how they, and state ownership, go about addressing them. The report suggests options to help the state as an enterprise owner fight corruption and promote integrity in the SOE sector, laying the foundation for future OECD guidance on the subject.
  • 26-July-2018


    Corporate Governance in Lithuania

    This review of Corporate Governance in Lithuania was prepared in the context of Lithuania’s accession process to the OECD. It assesses Lithuania’s corporate governance arrangements – the laws, regulations and institutions that shape company oversight – for listed companies and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) against the standards of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises. The report reaches a positive overall assessment of Lithuania’s willingness and ability to implement these corporate governance standards and makes a number of recommendations to address remaining weaknesses. With respect to listed companies, the report notably recommends that Lithuania give priority to monitoring implementation of recent legislative reforms to strengthen corporate boards of directors and, in the medium term, consider further strengthening and clarifying their legal responsibilities. With respect to SOEs, this report recommends that Lithuania give priority to further strengthening the effectiveness of the state’s ownership coordination function, ensuring that the state’s requirements on board composition and disclosure practices are fully implemented by the SOEs for which they are mandatory and moving forward with plans to convert commercially-oriented statutory SOEs to limited liability companies.
  • 2-May-2018


    OECD Review of Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Argentina

    This report evaluates the corporate governance framework for the Argentinian state-owned enterprise sector relative to the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises. The report was prepared at the request of Argentina. It is based on discussions involving all OECD countries.

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  • 26-April-2018

    English, PDF, 1,347kb

    Privatisation and the Broadening of Ownership of State-Owned Enterprises: Stocktaking of National Practices

    This report analyses the evolving privatisation process as part of an effort to ensure an effective corporate governance framework for SOEs. It documents the main findings of the OECD Working Party on State Ownership and Privatisation Practices’ ongoing project on privatisation and broadening of ownership of SOEs.

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