
Latest Documents

  • 2-November-2017


    Better Use of Skills in the Workplace - Why It Matters for Productivity and Local Jobs

    This joint OECD-ILO report provides a comparative analysis of case studies focusing on improving skills use in the workplace across eight countries. The examples provide insights into the practical ways in which employers interact with government services and policies at the local level. They highlight the need to build policy coherence across employment, skills, economic development and innovation policies, and underline the importance of ensuring that skills utilisation is built into policy development thinking and implementation. Skills utilisation concerns the extent to which skills are effectively applied in the workplace to maximise workplace and individual performance. It involves a mix of policies including work organisation, job design, technology adaptation, innovation, employee-employer relations, human resource development practices and business-product market strategies. It is often at the local level that the interface of these factors can best be addressed.
  • 26-October-2017


    Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Higher Education in Poland

    This report presents evidence-based analysis on Poland’s higher education transformation process towards an innovative, interconnected and multidisciplinary entrepreneurial system, designed to empower its students and staff to demonstrate enterprise, innovation and creativity in teaching, research and societal engagement. Using the OECD-European Commission HEInnovate guidance for the entrepreneurial and innovative higher education institution, the report assesses strategies and practices for entrepreneurship and innovation in Poland’s higher education institutions and the systemic support provided by government. Higher education institutions play a critical role in Poland’s economy and innovation system, which is based on a strong and growing engagement agenda with industry and local communities, the emergence of new learning environments and strong multidisciplinary research teams. This report offers practical recommendations on how Poland can enhance and sustain the outcomes.
  • 23-October-2017


    Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Higher Education in Ireland

    This report presents evidence-based analysis on Ireland’s higher education transformation process towards an innovative, interconnected and multidisciplinary entrepreneurial system, designed to empower its students and staff to demonstrate enterprise, innovation and creativity in teaching, research and societal engagement. Using the OECD-European Commission HEInnovate guidance for the entrepreneurial and innovative higher education institution, the report assesses strategies and practices for entrepreneurship and innovation in Ireland’s higher education institutions and the systemic support provided by government. Higher education institutions play a critical role in Ireland’s economy and innovation system, which is based on a strong and growing engagement agenda with industry and local communities, the emergence of new learning environments and strong multidisciplinary research teams. This report offers practical recommendations on how Ireland can enhance and sustain the outcomes.
  • 4-September-2017


    Employment and Skills Strategies in Slovenia

    This report takes a case study approach, analysing the management and implementation of policies in the Drava and South-East regions of Slovenia. It provides a comparative framework to understand the role of the local labour market policy in matching people to jobs, engaging employers in skills development activities, as well as fostering new growth and economic development opportunities. It includes practical policy examples of actions taken in Slovenia to help workers find better quality jobs, while also stimulating productivity and inclusion.
  • 21-March-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 4,906kb

    Compendio de buenas prácticas para el desarrollo local en América Latina

    El presente Compendio constituye un esfuerzo de documentación, sistematización y capitalización de las experiencias presentadas en el curso "Summer School Comunidad y Desarrollo Local". El principio guía es sencillo: contribuir a que la experiencia se transforme en conocimiento, para que este pueda ser compartido y que contribuya a enriquecer otros procesos que se llevan a cabo en otras realidades.

    Related Documents
  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 548kb

    Programa URUGUAY TRABAJA / Uruguay

    El objetivo de ‘Uruguay Trabaja’ es contribuir al desarrollo de procesos de integración social a través de estrategias socioeducativas y de mejora del nivel de empleabilidad de personas en condición de vulnerabilidad social, con limitado nivel educativo y desocupación de larga duración, reconociendo el trabajo como actividad humana central que produce efectos sinérgicos en la órbita personal, familiar y social.

    Related Documents
  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 425kb

    Plan Nacional de Biodigestores: Acceso a energía en comunidades aisladas, a partir de la producción local de biogás en Cajamarca / Perú

    La formulación de este proyecto partió de la revisión del Balance Nacional en Energía del 2010, en el que se evidenció que el 57% del sector residencial y comercial de las zonas rurales del Perú utilizaban leña, carbón vegetal y otros similares como fuentes principales de energía. Caso de estudio de la Summer School “Comunidad y desarrollo local en América Latina”, organizada por el Centro OCDE LEED para el Desarrollo Local (Italia).

    Related Documents
  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 336kb

    Estrategia de desarrollo local sostenible, municipio Los Palacios/ Cuba

    El Municipio Los Palacios propone la “Estrategia de desarrollo local sostenible”, con el objetivo de fungir como guía y base para los demás instrumentos que se implementen en materia de desarrollo local. Caso de estudio de la Summer School “Comunidad y desarrollo local en América Latina”, organizada por el Centro OCDE LEED para el Desarrollo Local (Italia).

    Related Documents
  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 441kb

    Programa de Desarrollo Comunitario

    El Programa de Desarrollo Comunitario (PDC) es una apuesta pedagógica y transformadora que busca aportar a la formación de comunidades participativas y autogestoras en los territorios donde la empresa generadora de energía ISAGEN tiene presencia. Caso de estudio de la Summer School “Comunidad y desarrollo local en América Latina”, organizada por el Centro OCDE LEED para el Desarrollo Local (Italia).

    Related Documents
  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 472kb

    Proyecto Desarrollo del Parque Bicentenario / Chile

    El desarrollo del Parque Bicentenario surge de la voluntad de la Municipalidad de Vitacura de transformar las riberas del río Mapocho, debido a su estado de abandono y la presencia de desperdicios y matorrales en zonas destinadas a parques y áreas verdes. Caso de estudio de la Summer School “Comunidad y desarrollo local en América Latina”, organizada por el Centro OCDE LEED para el Desarrollo Local (Italia).

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