IPM Crop specific guidelines


Crop specific guidelines provide detailed recommendations for the voluntary adoption or depending on the country and region a set of mandatory crop protection standards for integrated pest management. Please find the detailed information organised in alphabetical order by crops in the table below.

 Apple LettuceOil Seed RapeSunflowerSeveral crops

Crop Country Name and short description of guideline
Apple Australia Integrated pest management for Australian Apple and Pears
Lettuce Australia Fact sheet Lettuce integrated pest mangement
Oil Seed Rape Czech Republic Production guideline
Sunflower Czech Republic Plant protection methods against diseases, pest and weeds
Several crops Estonia The website contains IPM guidelines for major agricultural crops: oil seed rape, wheat, barley, rye, peas, oat, potato, grass, legume forage crops, cabbage
Several crops Spain National and regional guidelines of integrated production
Several crops Spain Compliance criteria for IPM certification
Several crops Japan IPM guidelines for 11 different crops
Several crops Netherlands IPM guidelines for many different crops
Several crops Slovenia IPM guidelines for many different crops
Several crops Slovenia Technology Guide for Integrated Production for 2013
Several crops United States (California) Agricultural Pests


IOBC has produced documents with the principles and technical guidelines for integrated production for several crops


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