
Webinar: Impacts of COVID-19 on Education and Remote Learning. What Comes Next?




NOVEMBER 17, 2020 -- The COVID-19 pandemic has forced nearly 1.5 billion students worldwide to quickly adapt to online learning. While technology has been able to provide students with access to high quality learning, most education systems need to pay close attention to ensure that technology does not amplify existing inequalities in access and quality of education.

Different OECD countries are adopting different strategies to reopen schools, but only 22% of them say they are looking to go back to where they came from, indicating that some form of hybrid learning is likely here to stay.

With increasing technology expenditures on the horizon, what strategies can education leaders implement in this “new normal”?

Building teaching capacity has become absolutely critical in most OECD countries. As we move into the next stages of the pandemic, what lessons can be learned to help pave the way for more strategic education implementation processes for schools reopening, and beyond?

On November 17, the OECD iLibraryOECD Education and Skills Today, and ACRL/Choice hosted presentation by the OECD’s Director for Education and Skills, Andreas Schleicher, where he provides expert insights into the future of schools and education in the post-pandemic era.

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