
  • 17-December-2021


    Newsletter: Special edition from the OECD Forum on Tax Administration, December 2021

    Discover all the latest news from the OECD Forum on Tax Administration in our special edition newsletter.

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  • 9-February-2021


    Enterprise Risk Management Maturity Model

    The OECD Tax Administration Maturity Model Series sets out descriptions of capabilities and performance in particular functions or sets of activities carried out by tax administrations across five discrete maturity levels.

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  • 3-July-2020

    English, PDF, 742kb

    Code of Conduct: Co-operation between tax administrations and sharing and gig economy platforms

    The intention of this Code of Conduct is, where administrations feel this might be useful in their circumstances, to facilitate a possible standard approach to co-operation between administrations and platforms on providing information and support to platform sellers on their tax obligations while minimising compliance burdens.

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  • 30-June-2020

    English, PDF, 292kb

    Newsletter: Behavioural Insights Community of Interest Special Edition, June 2020

    Across the globe COVID-19 has had sudden and profound impacts on society and the economy, calling for different ways of working by tax administrations, including moves to large scale remote working, and the taking on of significant new roles in the provision of government support.

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  • 29-June-2020

    English, PDF, 1,786kb

    FTA Update Issue 01/20

    Latest news from the OECD Forum on Tax Administration.

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  • 23-December-2019


    Tax Compliance Burden Maturity Model

    The Tax Compliance Burden Maturity Model looks at the core elements of successful compliance burden measurement and management, including engagement with policy makers. This is an increasingly important cross-cutting consideration for tax administrations as excessive compliance burdens can both undermine tax compliance as well as adversely impact economic growth.

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  • 23-December-2019


    Tax Debt Management Maturity Model

    The Tax Debt Management Maturity Model covers one of the major tax administration functions, employing around 10 per cent of tax administration staff and dealing with outstanding collectible debt of around EUR 820 billion across OECD Forum on Tax Administration members (2017 figures).

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  • 1-June-2019

    English, PDF, 3,233kb

    Forum on Tax Administration Annual Report 2018-2019

    Highlights and achievements of the Forum on Tax Administration 2018-2019.

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  • 1-June-2019

    English, PDF, 1,525kb

    Forum on Tax Administration 2019: Summary Report

    This special edition of the FTA update provides a short and informal summary of the 12th FTA Plenary meeting held in Santiago, Chile, from 26-28 March 2019.

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  • 28-March-2019


    Joint Audit 2019 – Enhancing Tax Co-operation and Improving Tax Certainty - Forum on Tax Administration

    Improved dispute prevention and dispute resolution are key concerns for both business and tax administrations by creating incentives for low-risk behaviour among taxpayers and helping tax administrations to better match resources to tax risks. Joint Audits are an essential element in the Tax Certainty Agenda and allow tax administrations to operate efficiently and effectively in an increasingly global environment, co-operating ever more closely and frequently with each other to ensure compliance, tackle base erosion and profit shifting, and minimise the probability of costly and time-consuming disputes. The report sets out the most advanced form of audit-related tax co-operation, provides best practices and identifies possible areas of improvement and future work, not limited to the OECD Forum on Tax Administration.
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