
A solid partnership between Thailand and the OECD

The OECD and Thailand have broadened and deepened relations over the past decade, with Thailand increasing its participation in OECD bodies, policy reviews, and selected databases, as well as adhering to a number of OECD legal instruments. On 17 March 2023, the OECD and Thailand renewed the Thailand Country Programme for a second phase, inaugurating a new milestone in the OECD and Thailand’s long-standing co-operation. 

The Thailand Country Programme Phase 2 will be implemented 2023-25, and aims to support Thailand’s domestic reforms and bring the country closer to OECD standards. Phase 2 is made up of 20 projects organised under four key pillars: 1) good governance, 2) business climate and competitiveness, 3) social inclusion and human capital development, and 4) green recovery. The extension of the country programme has been designed and developed in line with Thailand’s policy agenda aimed at achieving high-income status by 2038. The country programme aims to further align Thailand with OECD standards by increasing Thailand’s participation in OECD bodies, its adherence to OECD legal instruments and its inclusion in OECD databases.

The OECD and Thailand signed the first, three-year Thailand Country Programme  on 31 May 2018. The first Thailand Country Programme focused on four key pillars: 1) good governance and transparency, 2) business climate and competitiveness, 3) Thailand 4.0, and 4) inclusive growth, covering 16 projects.  

Country Programme at a glance

Signature date: Phase 1 - 31 May 2018, Phase 2 - 17 March 2023

Strategic areas of the Programme:

Phase 1

  • good governance and transparency
  • business climate and competitiveness
  • Thailand 4.0
  • inclusive growth

Phase 2

  • good governance and transparency
  • business climate and competitiveness
  • social inclusion and human capital development
  • green recovery

Revelant OECD bodies:

Thailand has adhered to 10 OECD Legal Instruments

Phase 2 country policy review topics: anti-corruption, public sector development, good governance, economic policy, competition, statistical policy, productivity, education, clean energy, infrastructure, and science and technology, among others.  

>> More about the Thailand Country Programme

Thailand's participation in OECD work

Over the past 15 years, relations between OECD and Thailand have broadened and deepened. The OECD has increased country-specific engagement with Thailand through its participation in OECD bodies, specific policy reviews and adherence to OECD instruments. Thailand has participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) since 2000 and is a member of the Governing Board of the Development Centre and Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. Thailand is an Associate and a Participant in 11 OECD bodies and adheres to ten OECD legal instruments).  In 2015, Thailand was among the first countries (along with China and Indonesia) that achieved Association status in the International Energy Agency. Thailand became a Participantin the Regulatory Policy Committee in 2022 and Adherent to the Recommendation on Regulatory Policy and Governance in 2021. Thailand also ratified the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting and the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters as amended by the 2010 Protocol in 2022.

Thailand is also included in several OECD flagship reviews on pensionhealthsocial policyinnovation, the Southeast Asia Government at a GlanceSME Policy IndexEnergy Outlook and the annual Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India. OECD Thailand country-specific policy reviews include the Economic Survey;  Public Integrity Review;  Open and Connected Government Review; Vocational Education and Training Review; Investment Policy Review; Reviews of Regulatory Reform; Competition Assessment Review;  and Budgetary Review - among other reviews.

In Focus

Signing Ceremony of OECD-Thailand Country Programme Phase II
  Thailand Country Programme