
Bringing Southeast Asian countries closer to the OECD

Southeast Asia has long been a region of strategic priority for the OECD and the OECD Southeast Asia Regional Programme (SEARP), launched in 2014, has been instrumental in strengthening OECD co-operation with this dynamic region. Indonesia became a Key Partner of the Organisation in 2007, while in 2018  Thailand became the first country from Southeast Asia to participate in the OECD Country Programmes. IndonesiaThailand  and Viet Nam have since become members of the OECD Development Centre and IndonesiaThailand and Singapore  have held Associate Status at the International Energy Agency since 2015.

 All ten countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) namely Brunei DarussalamCambodiaIndonesiaLao PDRMalaysiaMyanmarthe Philippines,  SingaporeThailand and Viet Nam regularly participate in the OECD Southeast Asia Regional Programme . They have also contributed nationally and regionally to OECD work on topics including tax, chemicals, SMEs, education, anti-corruption, innovation, green growth, trade, investment and development co-operation. In 2015, nine Southeast Asian countries joined the Daejeon Declaration on Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies for the Global and Digital Age.

Bringing Southeast Asian partner countries closer to OECD instruments and activities is an important priority for the Organisation. Currently, a concerted effort is being made to further integrate the perspectives of Southeast Asia in the OECD’s standard-setting activities. The participation of Southeast Asian countries and other Key Partner countries in the development of new OECD instruments and the revision of existing ones is crucial to ensure their global relevance.

In February 2024, SEARP’s vision of bringing Southeast Asia closer to the OECD was more fully realised when the OECD Council agreed to commence accession discussions with Indonesia.


Accession candidate: Indonesia

Country Programme: Thailand

Members of the Development Centre: Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam

Associate Status at the International Energy Agency: Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand

Memorandum of Understanding: Singapore, Viet Nam


Other forms of engagement: