• 12-September-2007

    English, PDF, 605kb

    Biofuels : Is the cure worse than the disease? (RTSD 20)

    The 20th meeting of the Round Table on Sustainable Development on 11-12 September 2007 considered the sustainable potential of biofuels and government policies to support them.

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    English, PDF, 708kb

    Do We Have the Right R&D Priorities and Programmes to Support the Energy Technologies of the Future? (RTSD 18)

    The 18th meeting of the Round Table on Sustainable Development on 14-15 June 2006 considered whether current R&D priorities and programmes are adequately focused and resourced to bring on-stream the energy technologies of the future.

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    English, PDF, 1,271kb

    Can Transnational Sectoral Agreements Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? (RTSD 17)

    The 17th meeting of the Round Table on Sustainable Development in June 2005 considered the role sectoral strategies could play in reducing the future growth trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions.

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