
Monday, 15 April 2024, 14:30 Paris time

Measure, manage and maximise your impact: A dialogue with the social economy

Social impact measurement and management is a particularly helpful practice for social economy entities to understand their contribution to society and achieve their mission. Impact areas that are especially important for the social economy, such as social inclusion, well-being and community development, are often difficult to quantify. “Measure, manage and maximise your impact: A guide for the social economy” has been developed by the OECD and the European Commission to offer a clear roadmap to accompany social economy entities along their impact journey.

Join us virtually on 15 April at 14.30-16.00 (CEST) as we launch the guide and discuss with social economy and representatives what they do to measure and manage their social impact.

Past events

12 March 2024 - Webinar: Worker co-operatives across continents: Policy and practical experiences from Japan and beyond | Watch the replay

13 Februrary 2024 - Webinar: Inclusive Infrastructure: Scaling-Up Local Investment in the United States | Watch the replay

24 November 2023 - Webinar: How can the social and solidarity economy help refugees along their journey? | Watch the replay

7 November 2023 - Webinar: Powering up the local workforce: The case of electric vehicle battery plant investments | Watch the replay

27 October 2023 - Webinar: Platform cooperatives: Building good jobs and great places | Watch the replay

6 July 2023 - Webinar: A global stage for local impact: Measuring the impact of sport, culture, and business events | Watch the replay

21 June 2023 - Webinar: Integrated local service delivery: How do we get there? | Watch the replay

14 June 2023 - Workshop: Brick and mortar or click to order? The future of SMEs in city centres | More information

16 May 2023 - Webinar: Bridging the Great Green Divide: International Learnings for Scotland, United Kingdom | More information 

12 May 2023 - Workshop: The green transition: What role for regional public employment services? | More information

28 April 2023 - Workshop: Green jobs and skills: who, where and how | Watch the replay

14 March 2023 - Webinar: "Bridging the Great Green Divide" Is the green transition starved of skills? | Watch the replay

24 January 2023 – Webinar: Community wealth building at scale: Experiences and lessons from Scotland | Watch the replay

13 December 2022 – Webinar: Human-centred design and local employment services | Watch the replay

29 November 2022 – Webinar: Main streets at a crossroad: Experiences from Australia | Watch the replay

16 November 2022 – Webinar: Launch of the OECD Recommendation on the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation | Watch the replay

9 November 2022 – Webinar: Unlocking the potential of youth-led social enterprises | Watch the replay

27 September 2022 – Webinar: Mass layoffs and local impacts: what we know and what can be done | Watch the replay 

5 September 2022 - Roundtable: ERSA-SALAR-OECD Roundtable on Local Public Employment Services | Summary

12 July 2022 - Webinar: From “mom and pops” to “pop-ups”: Local development and the future of retail | Watch the replay

28 June 2022 - Webinar: New tools to support skills identification, recognition and transferability | Watch the replay

4 May 2022 - Webinar: Private sector leadership and the future of local economic development | Highlights

19 Janaury 2022 - Webinar: Making the most of the social economy’s contribution to the circular economy | Highlights

29 November 2021 - Webinar: Social Vouchers - Innovative Tools for Social Inclusion and Local Development | Watch the replay

20 October 2021 - Webinar: School-to-work transitions: learning from local actions 

06 October 2021 - Webinar: Soft powers for hard outcomes: Using the convening power of local authorities to support employment | Highlights | Watch the replay

22 September 2021 - Webinar: From City Halls to City Streets: How Local Leaders and Practitioners are Helping Young People in the COVID-19 Era | Agenda

26 May 2021 - Webinar: Cultural heritage and social cohesion: how to make the local community more cohesive and inclusive | Highlights

13 April 2021 - Webinar and Launch: COVID-19 and the future of Global Events | Highlights

9 March 2021- Webinar and Launch: Future-Proofing Adult Learning in London, UK | Highlights

25-26 February 2021- Webinar: Back in business: SME support ecosystems for cultural and creative sectors | Highlights

27-28 January 2021- Webinar: Increasing the job creation potential of Cultural and Creative Sectors and SPOTLIGHT: Covid-19 and Music & the Night Time Economy | Highlights

1-3 December 2020- Webinar: Cultural participation and local resilience: Strategies for the recovery | Highlights

23 November 2020- Webinar: Launch of the OECD report Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2020: Rebuilding Better | Highlights

22 October 2020- Webinar: The Future of Local Employment Services | Highlights

23 July 2020- Webinar: Preparing for the Future of Work in Canada | Highlights

9 July 2020- Webinar: Leveraging the Social Economy for the Recovery of People and Places | Highlights

15 May 2020 - Webinar: Culture as a developmental driver for Italy in the post-covid scenario | Highlights

12 May 2020 - Webinar: What are the impacts of COVID-19 on local labour markets? | Highlights

5 November 2019 - Washington D.C.: Local Responses to the Future of Work: An international policy exchange | Agenda

29 October 2019 - Luxembourg: Boosting the Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Luxembourg: Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool Workshop | Agenda | Highlights