
  • 1-May-2004

    English, , 6,738kb

    Farm Women in Development – Impact Study of Four Training Projects in India (2004/2)

    This report presents the findings of an evaluation of four agricultural training projects for women in four Indian states: WYTEP in Karnataka, TANWA in Tamil Nadu, TEWA in Orissa, and MAPWA in Madhya Pradesh. During a period of two decades Danida has supported the projects with a total of DKK 279 million. ISBN (report): 87-7667-016-3

  • 31-January-2003

    English, , 3,148kb

    Water, gender and sustainable development

    Water management remains one of the major challenges facing mankind and with good reason a large proportion of French international aid resources are devoted to addressing this, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

  • 16-January-2003

    English, , 3,681kb

    Reflection on Experiences of Evaluating Gender Equality

    The current post-evaluation aims to learn lessons from the evaluation approach and methodology used in Sida's Gender Equality Evaluation carried out in 2001-02. The report summarises frank, self-critical reflections by eight of the evaluation team members. The nature of the subject of the Gender Equality Evaluation prompted a careful preparation of evaluation methods and tool, e.g. Concept Papers and Prompt Sheets and tools for

  • 4-April-2002

    Spanish, , 614kb

    Integración de la Perspectiva de Igualdad de Género Evaluación del Apoyo de Asdi para la Promoción de la Igualdad de Género, en los Países de Cooperación para el Desarrollo - Informe de País – Nicaragua

    En el año 1996, la igualdad de género fue establecida como una de las metas de la cooperación sueca al desarrollo. Un año más tarde Asdi formuló un Programa de Acción para promover la igualdad de género. El Programa de Acción enfoca la estrategia de integración de una perspectiva de género para lograr el objetivo de la igualdad de género. Según dicha estrategia, la igualdad de género debería ser implementada en las políticas,

  • 9-January-2002

    English, , 617kb

    Mainstreaming Gender Equality, Sida’s support for the promotion of gender equality in partner countries, Country Report Nicaragua

    Gender equality remains a challenging goal in the Nicaraguan context. On one hand, there is clear evidence of the burden of inequality which women face in terms of differences in income and the experience of poverty, in negative health outcomes, in victimisation due to inter family and sexual violence and physical abuse; and in under-representation and poor access to political decision making. For the most part these costs of

    Related Documents
  • 8-January-2002

    English, , 761kb

    Mainstreaming Gender Equality, Sida’s support for the promotion of gender equality in partner countries, Country Report South Africa

    In 2000 Sida commissioned an Evaluation of Sidas support to development cooperation for the promotion of Gender Equality with three objectives: 1) to assess how Sidas mainstreaming strategy is reflected in the country strategy process; 2) to assess the strategic and/or practical changes with regards to the promotion of gender equality that interventions supported by Sida have contributed to or may contribute to; and 3) to provide an

  • 3-January-2002

    English, , 1,264kb

    Mainstreaming Gender Equality: Sida’s support for the promotion of gender equality in partner countries

    In 1996, gender equality was established as a goal for Swedish development co-operation, and one year later Sida formulated an Action Programme for promoting gender equality.

  • 2-January-2002

    English, , 966kb

    Mainstreaming Gender Equality, Sida’s support for the promotion of gender equality in partner countries, Country Report Bangladesh

    In 2000, Sida commissioned an Evaluation of Sidas support to development cooperation for the promotion of Gender Equality with three objectives: 1) to assess how Sidas mainstreaming strategy is reflected in the country strategy process; 2)to assess the strategic and/or practical changes with regards to the promotion of gender equality that nterventions supported by Sida have contributed to or may contribute to; and 3) to provide an

  • 8-October-1999

    English, , 307kb

    Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, A DAC review of agency experiences 1993-1998

    A DAC review of agency experiences 1993-1998 ISSN: 1402-215X Sida Studies in Evaluation 00/1

  • 2-December-1998

    English, , 5,027kb

    Evaluating Gender Equality - Policy and Practice, An assessment of Sida's evaluations in 1997-1998

    This report deals with how gender equality is - and should be - addressed in Sida evaluations. It has been carried out by Boham & Peck Konsult AB together with a reference group comprising representatives of Sida and Stockholm University.

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